Up to 80 Characters that Describe the URL you want Indexed.
Include a description of up to 220 Characters for Findit to Index your Pages Properly to return your URLs based on what your Title and Description is.
You can put the same URL in multiple times so that are can include various Titles and Descriptions that are relevant to the URL but give you more options to index for.
The more people come across your name the more you increase your brand awareness. By indexing in Findit Search you improve the probability of being seen.
By submitting your Website and other URLs into Findit you control what search terms people will find you under.
By showing up in Findit Search results more people can click on your link in search results resulting in more traffic to where you want people to go.
Findit URLs make it easy to get indexed and are affordable. You can make your internet presence felt a lot more without overspending.