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It’s been really important for me as of late to take time to honor my needs, not just because of everything going on right now but also because it’s just where I’m at in life. With some resurfaced past trauma, I recognize certain things I still need to work through, mainly starting with going the extra mile to hear, see, and honor myself/my needs.
Despite all the hardships this “season” has brought us (and trust me I acknowledge it and know it’s there), I am grateful for this time right now to really be able to focus on myself. I’m quarantined, single, and have no kids—possibly a combination of factors I may never be met with again. I plan to take full advantage of this opportunity and meditation has and will play a big part in that. Some days identifying my needs are quite simple but other days it’s not. It still boggles my mind that some days I sit there thinking, I have no idea what the eff I need right now! How is that possible?! Lol but it’s true! And that’s where meditation comes in. It connects my mind to my body, it calms me, it makes me feel safe…and in that state is where the magic happens and the information comes through. It’s not easy parking my butt down and getting into it every day but the rewards are endless and I keep coming back.

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