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Polyps are tiny growths in the body. They might resemble tiny mushrooms or flat lumps. Uterine polyps develop in the uterine lining. They are also known as endometrial polyps.
You may have a single polyp or numerous. Uterine polyps can be small or large, measuring from a few millimeters to over 6 cm (2.4 inches) in width. More than 95% of uterine polyps are benign, which means they do not cause cancer.
Smaller polyps may occasionally go away without treatment. Your doctor will watch you to ensure that they do not get bigger.
If you experience symptoms, you may require therapy to remove the polyps. If you're experiencing irregular bleeding or other signs, your doctor will most likely do a pelvic ultrasound.
Sometimes an ultrasound alone cannot diagnose a uterine polyp. In this scenario, your doctor may use a tiny camera or scope to examine the uterus. This is termed a hysteroscopy; it allows polyps to be diagnosed more easily.
Treatments for uterine polyp ectomy include the following:
This is a method for removing a polyp. It can be performed at a clinic or hospital. You'll require either local numbing or general anesthesia;
This operation removes the whole uterus. A vaginal hysterectomy is performed through the vagina. Surgical abdominal hysterectomy involves removing the uterus through surgical incision in the stomach region. Both of these operations are performed in a hospital. Both sorts will put you to sleep using a general anesthetic.
What to expect during and after a uterine polyp ectomy operation varies depending on the type of therapy. You can feel local numbness or be fully sleepy. Arrive at the hospital or clinic at the allotted hour. A nurse will also measure your blood pressure. Inform your doctor or nurses if you have had anything to eat or drink.
If you are undergoing the procedure under general anesthesia, an anesthesiologist will provide an intravenous or inhaled drug. This will cause you to fall asleep. If you are receiving local anesthetic, you will receive one or more injections. This will numb the region within a few minutes. You may also be given sedatives to help you relax.
Your doctor may use a scope to guide the procedure. The uterus can be expanded by inserting air or a saline solution.
Polyps are removed with surgical scissors, forceps (specialized tweezers), a laser, or an electrical device. The surgeon will use a substance called silver nitrate to assist halt the bleeding.
If you undergo a hysterectomy or a more complex polypectomy, you will wake up in a recovery room after being under general anesthesia. You may need to stay in the hospital for one or two days, or perhaps longer. Following a polypectomy with a local anesthetic, you will be able to go home the same day. Following the polyp ectomy process, the polyp is transported to a lab for analysis. This will determine if it is benign or malignant.
You may have some soreness and tenderness following the operation. Your doctor will prescribe pain medication to relieve the period-like ache. A warm compress or heating pad might also assist.
You may have minor bleeding soon following uterine polypectomy. You may possibly be discharged for up to 14 days following the therapy. The fluid might be pale pink to brown in hue. Your menstrual cycle will return to normal following a polypectomy. A hysterectomy terminates periods by removing the whole uterus.
Do not use tampons for at least two weeks following your operation. Avoid doing heavy lifting or severe activity. You will also need to wait till you have fully recovered before engaging in sexual intercourse. This might take two weeks or longer following a polypectomy. A hysterectomy recovery period might last up to six weeks or more.
Recovery time also varies across individuals. Consult your doctor about when it's ideal for you to resume employment and other activities. See your doctor for a follow-up appointment around a week after your operation. This is a checkup to ensure you're recuperating properly. Your doctor may also provide you with the lab findings for the polyp. A successful procedure includes entirely removing the polyp, improving symptoms, and recuperating well.
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