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Internet Marketing Tactics To Invest In For 2015: Shweiki Media Printing Company Presents a Must-Watch Webinar

In 2015, Internet marketing is predicted to account for 25% of overall marketing revenue. Here Shweiki Media Printing Company teams up with Alicia Lawrence of WebpageFX to present a must-watch webinar outlining the potential outlets for online marketing and detailing which ones are worth investing in.
Released On: 24/10/2014
Views: 9656

Shweiki Media Printing Company Announces Print Sponsorship of New Orleans Film Festival

Released On: 17/10/2014
Views: 7517

Shweiki Media Printing Company Sponsoring 2014 Austin Film Festival

For the Eleventh Year, Shweiki Media Will Be the Print Sponsor of the Austin Film Festival
Released On: 17/10/2014
Views: 16773

Shweiki Announces Sponsorship of TEDxSanAntonio’s TEDx Event

Released On: 17/10/2014
Views: 8946

How Much It Costs to Print a Magazine: Shweiki Media Printing Company Presents a Must-watch Webinar Breaking Down the Factors That Determine Printing Prices

Released On: 16/10/2014
Views: 7118

Social Media Marketing With Facebook: Shweiki Media Printing Company Presents a Webinar on Strategies For Effectively Utilizing This Popular Platform

Probably the most popular social marketing tool on the web, Facebook accounts for one out of every five of the page views on the Internet, meaning that it's more important than ever to take advantage of the popular platform. Here Shweiki Media Printing Company teams up with expert Stephanie Scheller, Sales Trainer and Coach for Eric Lofholm International, to present a must-watch webinar on Facebook marketing strategies.
Released On: 02/10/2014
Views: 8168

Social Media Marketing With Facebook: Shweiki Media Printing Company Presents a Webinar on Strategies For Effectively Utilizing This Popular Platform

Released On: 30/09/2014
Views: 7678

Generate Revenue With Holiday Promotions: Shweiki Media Printing Company Presents Five Strategies For Capitalizing On The Biggest Spending Season

The winter holidays are by far the biggest spending season, and there are many ways that media companies can prepare and capitalize on the season to maximize their profits. Here Shweiki Media teams up with Matt Coen of Second Street Promotions Lab to present five strategies for generating revenue with holiday promotions.
Released On: 30/09/2014
Views: 7991

Shweiki Media Printing Company to Serve as Print Sponsor For DC Web & Digital Media Festival

Shweiki Media is excited to announce that they will be working with 20/20 Productions and serving as the print sponsor for the second annual DC Web & Digital Media Festival. The festival, a congregation of the country’s industry thought leaders, will feature topics all over the digital media board--from web series to robotics to gaming and more-and Shweiki is proud to participate by providing their high-quality, hassle-free printing services.
Released On: 25/09/2014
Views: 7560

Shweiki Media Printing Company VP of Sales, David Reimherr, Discusses San Antonio's Commercial Printing Industry in San Antonio Business Journal Article

In an SABJ article entitled "Commercial Printers Give Their Take on the Industry in San Antonio," Shweiki Media's David Reimherr--along with two other printers--discuss the commercial printing industry in San Antonio, its opportunities and its challenges. Reimherr also emphasizes the measures Shweiki is taking to stand out from the crowd, such as offering its clients innovative extras like custom mobile websites, augmented reality and more.
Released On: 25/09/2014
Views: 7973

Social Media Marketing for Publishers: Shweiki Media Printing Company Presents a Webinar Featuring Four Must-Know Strategies

Released On: 17/09/2014
Views: 7111

Ad Sales Training: Shweiki Media Company Presents a Webinar on How Salespeople Can Get Advertisers Out of Objection Mode and Into a More Open-Minded, Receptive Mindset

Often, before they're even approached by salespeople or have heard the pitch, advertisers have an objection-based mindset and are ready to automatically say no--in other words, they're in "red light mode." Here Shweiki Media teams up with Ryan Dohrn of Brain Swell Media and 360 Ad Sales to present a webinar on strategies to get advertisers into a more receptive, open-minded "green light mode," and eventually make the sale.
Released On: 16/09/2014
Views: 7068

Shweiki Media Printing Company Named the Top-Ranked Printer in the San Antonio Business Journal's List of Commercial Printing Firms

Shweiki was recently listed first in the San Antonio Business Journal's "Top of the List: Commercial Printing Firms." As a printer and publisher with humble beginnings, Shweiki is excited to top this list and to continue to serve their clients and fulfill the company promise: hassle-free printing with an on-time guarantee, world-class communication, and no surprises.
Released On: 10/09/2014
Views: 9859

Making Print Your Competitive Advantage for Online Marketing: Shweiki Media Printing Company Presents a Webinar on Strategies for Combining Print and Digital Promotions

While digital serves as the primary platform for promotions, by combining online contests, ballots, etc. with a print element, one has the potential to experience growth and an increase in reach and revenue. Here Shweiki Media teams up with online promotions experts Matt Coen and Julie Foley of Second Street to present a must-watch webinar on tips for combining print and digital promotions.
Released On: 04/09/2014
Views: 9168

Using Niche Ballots to Reach New Advertisers and Audiences: Shweiki Media Printing Company Presents Tips and Tricks For Utilizing This Valuable Type of Promotion

Due to their extremely focused nature, niche ballots are a promotion type that, when done right, can help businesses reach new advertisers and audiences--and, by proxy, increase revenue. Here Shweiki Media teams up with Matt Coen to explain how niche ballots can help one widen their reach, and tips and tricks for using them effectively.
Released On: 27/08/2014
Views: 9973

10 Secrets of Ad Sales Superstars: Shweiki Media Printing Company Presents 10 Tips Based on the Practices of Successful Salespeople from Around the Globe

Released On: 21/08/2014
Views: 8963

Shweiki Media Printing Company Now Offering Custom Mobile Websites

Released On: 16/08/2014
Views: 7476

7 Essential Tips and Tools for Graphic and Magazine Design: Shweiki Presents Simple Ways to Achieve Professional Quality Layouts

Released On: 08/08/2014
Views: 11389