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QualityStocks News - WordLogic (WLGC) Receives Recognition from Frost & Sullivan for Predictive Engine for Mobile Devices

Scottsdale 5/9/2014 3:00:00 AM

QualityStocks would like to highlight WordLogic Corp. (OTCQB: WLGC). The company has leveraged more than 10 years of advanced R&D to assume its position as a global leader in predictive text input technology. Backed by multiple patents and its predictive engine, WordLogic’s interface is revolutionizing the way individuals and businesses search and communicate on touch screen devices. Furthermore, WordLogic offers a range of licensing options of its technology and patent portfolio.

In the company’s news,

WordLogic announced that it had received the 2014 North American Frost & Sullivan Award for Enabling Technology Leadership for its WordLogic Predictive Engine product. Frost & Sullivan presented WordLogic with this honor after its recent research on the market for predictive text.

The WordLogic Predictive Engine is a product for mobile and wearable devices, which powers its context-aware applications such as WordLogic Reach™ and WordLogic iKnowU®. The iKnowU® is an easy-to-use keyboard that makes it easier for mobile users to type faster and more accurately. The keyboard predicts the letters, words, and phrases most likely to be used, which cuts down on the number of keystrokes needed for typing. The keyboard also has a machine-learning ability: it continuously learn new words and phrases, as well as contextual applications of the words. WordLogic’s Cloud Sync technology keeps all of a user’s mobile devices synced with the newly learned words, and its Bulk Loader tool can be used to access social media platforms, email accounts, and even documents for learning a user’s word preferences.

WordLogic’s second patent-pending predictive engine product, Reach™, is a semantically-aware program system that actively monitors and is capable of retrieving content that may be needed. Reach™ also has search engine capabilities that let it find new and useful information and then non-obtrusively present the results. The information can then be added quickly and without difficulty.

Some of the abilities of Reach™ include: retrieve contact information, meeting dates, and locations; find local restaurants or services; attach images; perform unit conversions; and get currency conversions or the latest stock quotes. WordLogic is able to monetize Reach™ by allowing marketers and advertisers to deploy targeted, context-specific, and location-aware content to users.

“Reach™ offers significant flexibility in accessing various apps and resources within the mobile device, as well as from resources on the Web or within the enterprise,” said Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Sathya Vendhan. “Alternative solutions require users to close their existing applications to open/access any other app’s information and then cut and paste that information into the document or message they were composing. With Reach™, they can complete all these actions simultaneously without ever leaving their current app.”

WordLogic’s prediction technologies are projected to have significant potential for vertical markets including healthcare, legal, insurance, consulting, and journalism. Frost & Sullivan predicts WordLogic’s prediction engine and associated technologies to be embedded in digital appliances and wearable technologies. The prediction engine’s context-aware capability makes it suited for many consumer applications. The WordLogic Prediction Engine will add value for all consumers, but be of particularly great value to customers with disabilities or difficulties.

“At a time when mobile computing is growing at breakneck speed and phone manufacturers are looking to stand out from the clutter, WordLogic’s array of technologies and robust intellectual property portfolio make it an ideal partner for tier-one mobile device manufacturers,” noted Sathya. “Smaller-form mobile and wearable computing devices, including watches and glasses, will also benefit from WordLogic’s innovations, such as text prediction and its ability to quickly find relevant information tied to the text all within a market-leading small footprint.”

Frost & Sullivan’s Best Practices Awards are given to companies in a variety of regional and global markets. They recognize a company’s achievements and notable performance in key areas including leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts evaluate companies through insights gained from in-depth interviews, analysis, and secondary research.

WordLogic’s recognition is given to companies that demonstrate market innovation in the development of a pioneering technology that not only enhances current products, but also enables the development of newer products and applications. The prediction engine’s exceptional functionality, context-aware advertising model, word and phrase prediction capabilities, and more give it strong traction potential across a wide range of sectors. Frost & Sullivan recognizes the prediction engine’s high market acceptance potential.

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