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QualityStocks News - Mabwe Minerals Inc. (MBMI) Advances Dodge Mine Production

Scottsdale 7/25/2014 3:00:00 AM

QualityStocks would like to highlight Mabwe Minerals Inc. (OTCQB: MBMI), a U.S. based natural resources and hard asset company focused on the mining, logistics, and commercial sales of industrial minerals and metals, with a particular emphasis on barite. The company's operations are conducted through its Zimbabwe affiliate, Mabwe Mineral Zimbabwe (Private) Ltd. Transitioning into commercial production, MBMI's company fundamentals are well positioned with virtually no debt and key strategic partnerships in place.

In the company’s news,

Mabwe Minerals, a Raptor Resources Holdings subsidiary, is fully involved in mining and selling barite and other minerals commercially. The company’s primary production operations are underway at the Dodge Mine in Shamva, Zimbabwe. The mine is located on a rich hydrothermal mountain range and bears not only superior-grade barite but also abundant limestone and talc.

The company’s affiliate Mabwe Minerals Zimbabwe owns the high-potential Dodge Mine. The property encompasses 233 hectares that stretch across three mountains. Gravity mapping of the mine reveals widespread barite, limestone and talc deposits across the project with extensive gossan deposits pointing toward the likely presence of copper, zinc, nickel and gold.

Dodge Mine’s barite is world-class in quality. Samples of the mine’s white barite attained a score of 97.25% pure barium sulfate (BaSO4) with the pink and brown barite samples scoring 95.5%. The mine’s high-grade barite is world class allowing for a wide range of market applications, including the market’s demand for weighting agents used during oil and gas drilling to prevent well blowouts and shaft collapses. The barite could also be used as an automotive, medical diagnostic, heavy concrete and paint pigment component.

Through key strategic partnerships, Mabwe Minerals has gained access to customers who are willing to pay a premium for higher grade barite. Backed by these partnerships, the company is well positioned to support an expanding customer base and several growing end markets, including Europe and the Middle East, as well as the growing demands of the oil and gas sector off the coast of Mozambique and South Africa.

The company’s established alliances and partners ensure cost-effective and dependable support for all aspects of associated mining and shipping operations, as well as an exceptionally strong regional presence.

In summary, the company milestones to date include:

▪ Establishing strategic partnerships with Zimbabwe’s top logistical and mining companies
▪ Completing gravity mapping data that signifies massive deposits of barite in Dodge Mine
▪ Initiating commercial production operations at Dodge Mine
▪ Setting opportune price fundamentals
▪ Responding to strong global and regional demand and an expanding customer base that will pay a premium for higher-grade barite
▪ Creating enhanced margins through tight logistics
▪ Establishing a worldwide delivery network

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