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QualityStocks News - Cleartronic (CLRI) VoiceInterop Subsidiary’s RoIP Virtualization Solutions Cost-Effective, Easy To Use

Scottsdale 4/10/2015 8:00:00 PM

QualityStocks would like to highlight Cleartronic, Inc. (OTC: CLRI), a technology holding company that creates and acquires operating subsidiaries to develop, manufacture, and sell products, services, and integrated systems to government agencies and business enterprises. VoiceInterop, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary, is a provider of patented IP communication gateways and communication software. Its gateways are marketed worldwide direct to customers as well as through a network of value added resellers. A recent license agreement provides Cleartronic with the right to market Collabria LLC’s revolutionary ReadyOp™ command, control, and communication platform.

In the company’s news,

Cleartronic is primarily engaged in providing device-spanning, interoperability-enabling unified communication solutions via their VoiceInterop subsidiary, which provides extremely robust options to enterprise and managed environment clients for turning analog voice sources into digital packets that can be consumed and distributed via Internet Protocol (IP). Chief among the tools offered by VoiceInterop are the AudioMate360 Series of RoIP (Radio over Internet Protocol) gateways and their backbone AudioMate software, which features an HTTP-based software configuration console for managing a vast network of AudioMate360 (AM360) devices, allowing for easy and rapid management of the entire network, including handling such tasks as firmware updates for older individual (or groups) of units.

When it comes to managed environments like large government agencies or municipal first responders, it goes without saying that an extremely reliable and even severe incident-survivable solution is required. The ability to cost-effectively tie together an unlimitedly large array of base radios via AM360 gateways into a web of devices, seamlessly connecting a limitless number of audio endpoints into a single AudioMate session (which can be configured in an infinite number of ways easily, without daunting technical requirements), makes establishing and maintaining mission critical situational awareness a no-brainer. This kind of robust capability, where existing PTT (push-to-talk) infrastructure can be virtualized instantly into an easy to use environment that communicates via public internet service or a private data network connection, is essential in a disaster situation and of is also of immense utility for day-to-day operations.

Using VoiceInterop solutions allows for inexpensive coverage area expansion of an existing base radio network that can even thwart the logistical impositions created by operating in mountainous regions. The ability to create an expanded simulcast coverage system, linking repeater base stations via RoIP and IP multicast into a single, seamless network, where all the devices key up as if they were wired together locally as remote access stations, is an ideal choice whether the customer is a local government agency (like police and fire rescue located in a mountainous region), or a resource recovery operation like a remote mine or oil well. Affordable IP gateways and the comprehensive software to manage them, is a real budget saver for local governments and can also be a huge advantage for large enterprise operations that require a similarly robust, but cheap way of tying together multiple field personnel and coordinating their activities, either from a centralized location or distributed nodes.

The ability of the VoiceInterop platform to instantly integrate other forms of communication, like regular telephone service (POTS, or plain old telephone service), wireless iDEN (integrated digital enhanced network sources, which combine trunked radio and cellular phone capabilities), dial-in VoIP, 3G/LTE, or a laptop soft console, makes it an ideal solution for centralizing communications. Routing audio traffic in real-time from a diverse variety of sources using an AudioMate architecture makes consolidating otherwise complex dispatching and coordination of a huge personnel base easy and it also opens up new workflows, as well as performance enhancements which simply are not possible within a command and control paradigm dominated by disparate elements.

The VoiceInterop Command Phone, which also uses a browser-based interface, takes things one step further and allows common commercial communication devices to be tied together into a self-healing fiber-optic ring network that is also third party software agnostic, allowing clients like airports and critical infrastructure entities to easily integrate modern communications technology with a traditional PLAR (private line automatic ring-down) solution that can automatically re-route traffic in the event of an outage or break in the network. The already robust and reliable overall platform offerings currently on offer from CLRI have been further improved by the company’s recent entry into a new license agreement earlier this year with the parent company (Collabria) of the developer of a comprehensive, web-based and highly secure, command, control and communication platform known as ReadyOp™. ReadyOp is a highly flexible solution that integrates alerts, voice and radio with email, texts and file transfer into a single platform that is location, server and hardware independent, and which is geared towards government agencies for handling continuity and disaster/emergency response. This licensing agreement expands CLRI’s options in the government agency end of the market and adds further credibility to their capacity to deliver robust solutions.

Cleartronic continues to be focused on creating and acquiring subsidiaries that will augment its already impressive portfolio of interoperable unified communication solutions, and the company’s ongoing emphasis on ensuring its interfaces are simple and intuitive remains one of their strongest selling points. Because when a serious crisis event occurs, a fluid and responsive system that is easy to use often represents the difference between life and death.

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