Goldman Small Cap Research, a stock market research firm specializing in the small cap and microcap sectors, announced today that it has released a new research update on Global WholeHealth Partners Corporation (OTC PINK:GWHP). GWHP is an emerging rapid diagnostic point-of-care (PoC) provider of test kits for hospitals, physicians' offices, and medical clinics in the US and abroad including kits for testing COVID-19. This update carries a price target. To view the new research update, previous reports, report, along with disclosures and disclaimers, or to download it in its entirety, please visit
GWHP is set to emerge as a key provider of COVID-19 diagnostics test kits, a multi-billion-dollar market. As part of the steps to reach this objective, the Company offers all of the formats for COVID-19 testing. GWHP has filed an Emergency Use Application (EUA) with the FDA for its rapid anti-body test with a response pending. In studies performed in 2020, GWHP's diagnostic test produced an accuracy rate of over 97%, prompting the Department of the Navy to place an order for 1000 kits.
In the Opportunity Research update, analyst Rob Goldman discusses the recent company events and the potential resultant impact on the Company.
Goldman noted, "GWHP recently filed an 8-K whereby it has been granted rights from Nunzia Pharmaceutical Inc. to distribute and sell the single dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. In our view, this high-profile event substantially raises the Company's status in the diagnostics space in general and the COVID-19 universe, in specific. The single dose nature of the vaccine has made this vaccine a popular choice in locales where dual doses are not a realistic option, which is a boon to GWHP, in our view.
"A new study released last week by Nature noted that the JNJ vaccine has high levels of protection from COVID-19 variants---the biggest current driver of new global COVID-19 cases. This news could prompt a migration toward the JNJ vaccine in large global markets, "commented Goldman." Separately, GWHP and AAJ have created an industry-leading set of diagnostics products for the Philippines and the surrounding Pacific Rim countries, where access to critical vaccines is low. The products to be delivered include the COVID-19 Antigen, COVID-19 Antibody, Dengue Fever, TB, Malaria, and Influenza A & B."
"We have extended our price target timeframe to 12-18 months, which is based on a typical industry P/E multiple of 20x our 2022E EPS estimates. Given the strength of GWHP's recent news, we believe these shares could enjoy a strong summer as JNJ sales commence," concluded Goldman.
About Goldman Small Cap Research: Founded in 2009 by former Piper Jaffray analyst and mutual fund manager Rob Goldman, Goldman Small Cap Research produces sponsored and non-sponsored small cap and microcap stock research reports, articles, stock market blogs, and popular investment newsletters.
Goldman Small Cap Research is not in any way affiliated with Goldman Sachs & Co.
This press release contains excerpts of our most recently published company report on Global WholeHealth Partners Corporation. The information used and statements of fact made have been obtained from sources considered reliable but we neither guarantee nor represent the completeness or accuracy. Goldman Small Cap Research relied solely upon information derived from Global WholeHealth Partners Corporation ("the Company"). The information includes authorized press releases or legal disclosures made in their filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Separate from the factual content of our report about the Company, we may from time to time include our own opinions about the Company, its business, markets, and opportunities. Any opinions we may offer about the Company are solely our own, and are made in reliance upon our rights under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and are provided solely for the general opinionated discussion of our readers. Our opinions should not be considered to be complete, precise, accurate, or current investment advice. Statements herein may contain forward-looking statements and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties affecting results.
A Goldman Small Cap Research report, update, newsletter, article, trading alert, corporate profile, sector or industry snapshot, podcast interview, or press release is not intended as an offering, recommendation, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities mentioned or discussed and is to be used for informational purposes only. Please read all associated full disclosures, disclaimers, and analyst background on our website before investing. Neither Goldman Small Cap Research nor its parent is a registered investment adviser or broker-dealer with FINRA or any other regulatory agency. A Speculative Buy rating for our covered companies is defined as a company that we believe exhibits the potential to generate outsized returns despite inherent, above-average business, market, or financial risk. To download this research report or any of our research, view our disclosures and disclaimers, or for more information, visit Since 2020, Goldman Small Cap Research has been compensated $7500 by the Company for research production and a podcast interview, including $1500 for the aforementioned research update.
Goldman Small Cap Research
Rob Goldman, Analyst
SOURCE: Goldman Small Cap Research
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