Joel Madden has confirmed the rumors that her and his pregnant girlfriend Nicole Richie is going to be married. The ‘Good Charlotte’ frontman confesses that he is going to pop the question.
The couple announced earlier this month that Richie was four months pregnant. Reports said that the 'Simple Life' star was hoping to be married before she has to serve time in jail for a DUI charge and before she gets any bigger.
“Nicole doesn’t want any wedding pictures of her in a big old white dress, with a big old belly,” a source says.
Madden also admits that he is preparing for the birth by reading guidebooks. Meanwhile, Richie says she has been trying to eat more. She was recently rushed to the hospital after she feared she was suffering a miscarriage. Doctors assured her that she and the baby was fine but encouraged her to eat more for the health of her unborn child.
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Close-Up TV News, a well-known business news television program, spotlights those industry leaders who are making a difference both in the world and locally.
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Close-Up TV News is a professional News Magazine Show that hosts the premiere news magazine TV program Close-Up on America’s Business.
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Close-Up TV News and Close-Up on America’s Business is a premiere business news magazine show that spotlights the most influential and successful businesses in America.
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Close-Up TV News is a premiere news magazine TV program that emphasizes certain American companies that have made it a priority to make a difference in America and the world.
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Close-Up TV News is a premiere news magazine TV program that spotlights the most successful business across America and, in nearly a decade, has featured hundreds of industry leaders on their shows.
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Close-Up TV News is a premiere news magazine TV program that, for almost a decade, has been featuring the most successful businesses in America.
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Close-Up TV News uses a team of celebrity business news reporters who help you tell your story in a more compelling and interesting way.
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For almost a decade, Close-Up TV News has featured hundreds of businesses on their show.
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As a premiere news magazine TV program that has been spotlighting the most successful businesses coast to coast across America, Close-Up TV News provides one of the best possible services to boost your business’ exposure and web presence, your cr ...
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Close-Up TV News is easily one of the premiere news magazine TV programs in America.
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Close-Up TV News is a professional news magazine show who captivate millions with their intellectual, informative and entertaining storytelling style.
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