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What are the Pros and Cons of Buying vs Renting an Apartment?

When compared to the olden days, apartment living has become more common among people. There are certain things that you need to consider before you plan to buy or rent a house. When you scroll across certain things, you might wonder if you already know all these things, but most people failed to implement these real estate aspects in the real life. Buying an apartment from Prestige Park Grove brings you an enormous benefit and allows you to live a peaceful life in a well-defined environment. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of buying vs renting an apartment.

Equity Perks:

When you own a home, the mortgage amount you need to pay is equal to the principal amount with interest. The initial principal amount is added with the down payment gives you ownership of the home. This is referred to as equity so that
you can have a flat or apartment of your own for a longer period of time. When it comes to paying rent, you need to pay a fixed amount of money every month for the property you are living in. The rent amount may exceed when you make a
comparison to the amount, which is paid towards the defined mortgage amount.

Enjoy Freedom:

When you rent a home, you have to live in fear, because the homeowner has all the right to ask you to leave whenever they want. But, if you buy a house, you can enjoy more independence and you can do whatever you want. Also, you can live with more freedom, and you can add value to your home, without any need of asking permission from the homeowner to make any changes.

Home is an Asset:

When you get a situation to move out of the city for a shorter period where you own a flat or apartment, you can look for tenants to rent out your property. This will be a great income source for yourself, and you can draw a fixed amount from your home every month. You can use this income for the flat or apartment that you have taken for rent in your new place. When you are moving out permanently, you can consider selling your home. Real estate agents are helpful in selling your home quickly and you can use the money from the sale as a part of the down or full payment for buying a home in your new place.


If you are a homeowner, you need to pay for the maintenance charges annually as required by the building maintenance committee. But, as a tenant, you don’t need to worry about the maintenance charges that will be taken care of by your homeowner. When you break anything or make damage your rented home, you need to pay for the charges stated as per the rental agreement.


From the above, you can get a clear understanding of the pros and cons of buying vs renting an apartment. Whether you buy or rent an apartment, you need to consider several other factors that influence your decision such as your income, profession, family, etc.

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