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Top 5 Home Improvement SEO Questions Answered

home improvement SEO

So you want to rank higher on search engines. You’ve heard how helpful search engine optimization strategies are in achieving that and you decided to give it a try, but you’re one foot in and the questions are already piling up.  Will all this effort bring in new customers? If so, how? Is it expensive? When will the results show and when to stop investing in home improvement SEO? Find the answer to all of these, and many more, below.

What’s Search Engine Optimization?

Let’s start with the basics. Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is a process by which you improve your website’s visibility and ranking on search engines. The most widely used search engine is Google, but there are also other options such as Bing and Yahoo. The purpose of these search engine optimization strategies is to generate more organic traffic to your website, in other words, to bring more people to your business.

The SEO industry is complex one simple Google search will tell you more than you need to know. There’s on-site SEO and off-site SEO, technical SEO, content creation and so many other aspects that an SEO company deals with that there’s no need for us to go into those details now.

We are not going to dwell on specificities, particularities and other technicalities. What you need to know are the benefits of using it and these include:

  • Increased traffic: more people equal more chances to sign new contracts
  • Better conversion rates: now that people are seeing your website and clicking on it, you need to keep them hooked. SEO presents the contents on your website and your activity in an attractive and easy-to-understand way, increasing the number of visitors who turn into contracts
  • Improved ROI: the longer you use SEO, the better the results will be. We’re used to things bringing good at first and then getting bad, but with SEO is the opposite. The more time passes by while using the services, the better the results and your return on investment will be.
  • Competitive advantage: you’re already one step ahead of your competition if you use SEO for your website. Not only is your competition difficult to be found on the internet (because they don’t use SEO), but thanks to these services, your business will be pushed forward, making you the one that’s found by clients. Don’t be like your clueless competition; get home improvement SEO.
  • Better User Experience: navigating the home improvement industry is not easy. Help your audience and attract more customers with a readable, informational and easy-to-browse website. Bounce rates? Yeah, we don’t know them.

Q1: How Long Does It Take for the Results to Show?

We said SEO is a long-term investment. That means it can take a few months for quantifiable results to show. At first, you might see more site visitors and a better rank, but for those really cool results to show it might take a hot minute. Oh, but when they finally do - you’ll want to continue with SEO forever! Just wait till you see just how easy you can get on the search engine’s first results pages.

Q2: How Does This SEO Help Me Get New Customers?

The link is simple: the more visible you are, the more people click your website and the more chances they end up signing a contract. It all makes sense. How do you become more visible? By ranking on Google’s first page and how do you do that? With the help of home improvement SEO services.

Q3: How Much Does Home Improvement SEO Cost?

The exact number depends on various elements and each company has their own quote, but there are some tips you can use when choosing a company to work with. Some businesses out there offer free SEO strategy calls. You should also look into companies that offer an upfront quote, so that you know right from the beginning what you’re paying. Some companies even offer free SEO analysis, you just have to look in the right places. The costs of home improvement SEO don’t have to deter you from giving it a try. Some places are so confident in their capability to make a change for the better in your business that they offer a 100% money-back guarantee.

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Q4: Is SEO the Best Option When It Comes to Online Marketing?

The needs of every business differ but when it comes to this industry, it is crucial. No one will see your Instagram page and decide based on a photo to sign a contract. If they see a nice photo of one of your projects, the next thing they might do is Google you (you need to be on the first page, no one ever goes beyond that) and they’ll access your website, which needs to be top-notch to convince them.

Credible content, great readability scores, reviews - your website’s content needs to hook the reader and provide the answer to all of the questions they might have even before they think of them!

Q5. How to Know This SEO Thing is Really Working?

Don’t worry, SEO is not some sort of elaborate scheme to get you to spend some money. Everyone uses it. Just Google whatever you want – see those first results? Not those with the little “sponsored” tag above them, those are paid for.

The other results, from number four on. Why do you think they’re there? Is not by mere chance or luck, it is because of SEO. Do you want your company there? Then you need home improvement SEO.

Don’t postpone it any longer. SEO is a long-term investment and you need clients now so, if we were you, we’d get started on asking for quotes. Business is done over the internet and you can’t afford not to be there. How else will people find you?

Those who are ready to sign contracts don’t spend hours on Instagram comparing photos. They Google home improvement companies and go with the first ones they see – make sure you’re one of them with the help of home improvement SEO.

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