When a high school graduate decides to attend a university or college in the state of New Jersey they are making a decision that will forever change their lives. They will receive an outstanding education and they will create memories they will never forget. However, a young adult may look past the long-term financial affects that can be associated with attending a university. Student Loans can be a lifesaver for an aspiring college student that doesn’t have the funds upfront to pay for their education. However, once graduation arrives, so do the monthly bills from the student loan lender.
Making those monthly payments that are accompanied by high interest rates can be difficult for a college graduate that has not found employment. According to a White House Projection that was compiled in January of 2015, New Jersey has an outstanding balance of Federal Loan debt that reaches $30 billion among their 1.2 million borrowers.
Graduates and former college students may decide to decrease their student loan debt by consolidating the loan in order to make the monthly payments affordable. Before dialing the first number that is associated with consolidating student loans, New Jersey residents should first look at the Student Loan Law Group.
Student Loan Law Group can provide you with a real attorney that is knowledgeable when it comes to current Student Loan Laws. Take the proper steps towards consolidating your student loans from a professional. There is no reason to pay a consultant that is unqualified to consolidate your loans. Speaking with an attorney from Student Loan Law Group will give you the instructions that you need to consolidate your loans on your own.
While the amount of Federal Loan debt for New Jersey is extremely high, it should not come as a surprise. The four-year public colleges in New Jersey rank among the most expensive in the United States according to the U.S. Department of Education rankings.
The largest public university in New Jersey is Rutgers University with an enrollment of roughly 65,000 students. The cost of tuition at Rutgers for a New Jersey resident that is an on-campus student including room and board is approximately $25,000. For students that are Non-New Jersey Residents, the tuition alone is roughly $28,000. Once room and board is included for non-residents, that figure can reach almost $40,000 per year.
If you have outstanding Federal Loan debt due to tuition costs similar to the numbers listed above then contact Student Loan Law Group. Choosing to wait means that your wages could be garnished, your credit score could be damaged, and it may even prevent you from getting a job. Let a licensed attorney from Student Loan Law Group give you the advice you need to solve your student loan issues.
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