Many student loan borrowers have received demands for payment on their student loan accounts from National Collegiate Trust. National Collegiate Trust frequently purchases student loan debt from a loan servicer for pennies and the dollar and then attempts to make money by demanding the full amount owed on the account from the borrower. Many borrowers simply pay up because they are afraid and do not know their legal rights.
Student Loan Law Group wants to advise borrowers of their rights and how to protect those rights. Attorneys with Student Loan Law Group analyze the paperwork presented by National Collegiate Trust and determine whether the borrower has a strong case against National Collegiate Trust for violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Each time a violation of the borrower’s rights occurs, the borrower may be awarded $1,000.00 in damages plus the ability to recover any attorneys’ fees and costs paid. National Collegiate Trust must prove with certain evidence that they have the legal standing to collect on the account and that the statute of limitations has not passed.
Borrowers who have received demands from National Collegiate Trust are encouraged to contact Student Loan Law Group today at 888-843-1706. Attorneys with Student Loan Law Group may represent borrowers against National Collegiate Trust or other private loan servicers who have exercised aggressive collection practices.
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