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Tinbu Partners With FlightView to Create Interactive North American Flight Tracking Module

Interactive module will allow users to track airline flights coming into and out of North America in both English and Spanish
Released On: 25/02/2008
Views: 1578

Tinbu Announces The Production Of Multi-Lingual Apple iPhone Web Applications With Integrated Targeted Advertising

Apple iPhone web applications to be created in the areas of weather, horoscope, lottery data, swimsuit model, fitness videos, and U.S. gas pricing.
Released On: 18/02/2008
Views: 3115

Tinbu Announces The Production Of Four Additional Interactive Content Modules In The Areas Of Stocks and Finance, U.S. Mortgages, North American Flight Tracking, and Recipes.

Each of these new interactive data modules will be available for distribution to online media groups by May 1, 2008, in English and Spanish.
Released On: 12/02/2008
Views: 1372

Tinbu Launches Multilingual Interactive Fitness Video Module

Interactive fitness video module features 120 different home and gym based exercises covering all body-parts, and is available in English, Spanish, and German.
Released On: 08/02/2008
Views: 1409

Tinbu adds MPG Searchable Database To Their Multilingual Interactive Fuel Pricing Module

Consumers can now compare MPG figures on thousands of vehicles while they search for local gas prices from over 140,000 gas stations nationwide in English and Spanish.
Released On: 06/02/2008
Views: 1449

Tinbu Completes Acquisition Of Lottery Data Contracts From The Lottery Corporation

Recent acquisition solidifies Tinbu's position as the world-wide leader in providing interactive lottery data to online and wireless media groups.
Released On: 30/01/2008
Views: 1780


Customizable Tinbu Tool Bar now available to online media companies and web site owners in English, Spanish, and German with integrated search and revenue generating advertising features.
Released On: 23/01/2008
Views: 1383

Tinbu Launches Interactive U.S. Gas Pricing Module

Consumers nationwide can now check current and historical gas prices at thousands of gas stations every day.
Released On: 07/01/2008
Views: 1471

Tinbu Expands International Distribution Into Germany And Mexico

Partnerships with Yahoo! Germany and AOL Mexico are now in place
Released On: 21/12/2007
Views: 1555

Tinbu to Provide and with Multi-Lingual Interactive Data

Tinbu's patent-pending global weather, horoscope, lottery, and Girl of the Day modules to launch with U.S. and International news and search engine sites.
Released On: 17/12/2007
Views: 1456

Tinbu To Provide With Interactive Lottery Data

Award winning sports information wed site has launched a global lottery results section powered by Tinbu.
Released On: 12/12/2007
Views: 1675

Tinbu Partners With Yahoo! Canada To Create Online Content Distribution Platform With Integrated Yahoo! Search

TinBu's interactive content modules are now available to Canadian media groups integrated with revenue generating Yahoo! search features.
Released On: 08/11/2007
Views: 1513

Tinbu To Provide WorldNow With Multi-lingual Interactive Lottery And Horoscope Data

Tinbu's English and Spanish language lottery and horoscope content to be made available to 100's of local media web sites managed by WorldNow.
Released On: 05/11/2007
Views: 1656

Tinbu Releases Global Weather Product In English, Spanish, German, and Chinese

Interactive weather module is now available for use by online media groups and web site owners
Released On: 08/10/2007
Views: 2801


Tinbu LLC

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Tinbu LLC

  • 3 West Garden Street Suite 718
    Pensacola, Florida 32502
  • 850 292-4272