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News Runs Feature Story on TinBu's Interactive Content Platform

TinBu's interactive content platform with built in revenue generation is featured in this weeks Domain News coverage. Read the story below.

Pensacola,FL 10/23/2008 9:00:00 PM

We recently met Peter Hayward, VP of Marketing for TinBu, LLC at the recent TRAFFIC East New York conference. TinBu, is a vibrant young company who have come to understand the needs of domainers and they have adapted their product portfolio accordingly.

With all the talk about parking pages becoming stale, the need for automated intercative, dynamic and multi-lingual content has never been more important to domain portfolio holders. TinBu is rapidly gaining popularity in the domain industry and is definitely part of your answer when it comes to adding content to your parked and other pages. Best of all, there is a rev share aspect that will put money in your pocket! We asked Peter to introduce his company to our readers and here is what he shared with us...

"TinBu is an interactive content and online advertising company that is quickly becoming the go to provider for domainers looking to monetize their web site traffic.  Regardless of what phase a domainer is in with a particular URL, TinBu is in a position to add value with free interactive content with built in revenue generation utilizing our patent-pending technology.  If a domainer is building up basic URLs into developed Web sites by adding more content, TinBu can contribute to the growth and expansion of these pages with a variety of rich and relevant content.  This content is free to and features a built in revenue share. To learn more about this program visit .

If a domainer has Web sites with existing content, TinBu can help add to or enhance that content.  TinBu's content does not redirect to other sites like many other products on the market.  It is free, gives domainers an additional revenue channel and via the page view driving nature of the modules boosts a site's existing ad network or other revenue channels, such as Google and Yahoo!. If you have domains that are parked, TinBu also offers a parking solution that transforms your basic one photo page with two click links into a deep content rich Web portal that is designed to keep bringing people back to your site over and over again with a built in rev share. You can examine the parked page solution at  .

TinBu opened its doors at the beginning of 2006 as a provider of interactive lottery data,  with their first customer being AOL.  Within the first year, due to the widespread success of TinBu's rich page view driving technology, TinBu went on to develop additional channels of content with the second being a horoscope product. Over the next three years TinBu continued to strategically partner with world class data providers, that combined with TinBu's patent pending technology, allowed them to produce some of the most popular Web based content channels in use today.  TinBu's content modules are used on 1000's of Web sites and TinBu is recognized as one of the world's largest online content providing companies.  TinBu currently offers free highly interactive customizable content in over a dozen popular subjects in the areas of geo specific weather, local gas prices, lottery, flight tracking, horoscope, stocks, entertainment, recipes, fitness videos, swim suit models of the day, global soccer, Soduko,  and U.S. mortgage information.  TinBu continues to build out additional content channels in a variety of in demand areas.  Their content is used by over 80% of all major  news and media groups in the US and thousands of on line Web sites from the largest Web portals like YAHOO!, AOL and MSN down to the smallest basic blog sites with Alexa ratings in the millions.

TinBu uses their patent-pending technology to create multilingual, interactive content modules that are designed to generate page views and revenue.  TinBu's content platform is used by thousands of online and wireless media companies in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Latin America.

TinBu's clients include Web sites run by the major television networks, radio broadcasters, and news groups in North America. Their clients include major online portals, search engines, and category-specific Web sites pertaining to online travel, sports, hotels, general interest, automotive, geo-specific domains, entertainment, local, national or global city guides, special interest, not-for-profit, real estate, hobbies, health and fitness, domain registrars, online shopping sites, and more.

Web site publishers who use TinBu's content platform experience benefits that include free world-class content, increased page views, increased repeat traffic, increased user satisfaction, and measurable increases in revenue generation.

How TinBu partners with Domainers with existing Web sites or Web sites under development.

If you are building up new pages or have existing Web sites regardless of their size, TinBu's content modules can be added to your URL's and are 100% customizable to your page environment.  They are easily integrated into any Web environment in moments with a simple java script, and live stats and revenue tracking are available.  With so many different content channels available, they pretty much have something for everyone.  Historically they have catered to the larger news and media companies on the Web.   The same content that most of the major news and media companies are paying anywhere from multiple hundreds to multiple thousands per month can now can be added for free with a revenue share to any approved domainer's Web site.

For a specific example, we can examine geo domains. TinBu's modules can be customizable for geo specific locations.  For example, their local gas module can be seen on a wide range of Web sites from major news sites such as:

The Boston Globe -

NY Daily News -

To smaller to medium size sites such as:

Chico News Review -

Wisconsin Community Papers -

Or even random Web sites in and out side of the subject matter;

American Classifieds -

Gas - -

Maryland Penny Saver -

CBS Radio Boston -

Geo Specific sites:

All Cape -

Long Island - -

The TinBu Parked Page Solution

For Domainers with parked pages, TinBu also has a solution to enhance domainer's parked pages with deeper content.  Peter Hayward, VP of Marketing has said "TinBu recently has been inundated by requests from domainers asking for a solution to the dilemma with which parked pages are constantly faced, namely; how do I get visitors to return to my URL again and again to drive my page views and increase my bottom line?"  The current solutions have never given the parked-page sector the content it needs to make the site visitor go out of their way to book mark a parked page and give someone the desire to return over and over.

"Domainers have told us that they do not think a stock photo and two-click links are enough content to motivate a visitor to come back to a site over and over again so is there anything TinBu can do about it?" Hayward goes on to say.

TinBu has come up with a solution that will give domainers a parked page that has the deep, rich content it needs to keep visitors coming back over and over again.  They will give your page the EXACT same content that you can see daily on hundreds of top news and media groups' Web sites from around the world - and with built in revenue generation.

TinBu has taken their world-class, revenue-generating content to the next level by creating a number of templates for domainer's parked pages, allowing a parked page to become a rich, multi-stream content portal similar to that of any of the major media groups in the world.
Each of their content modules can be used in a buffet style and are plug and play. Each individual content module comes with integrated, one-click-to-revenue, relevant contextual and display ads from our partnerships with Yahoo!, Lycos and AOL's

TinBu's parked page solution offers the exact same wide range of subjects that are appealing to every demographic that are used by their regular customers.  Local and global content in the areas of lottery, weather, gas prices, flight tracking, mortgages, and soccer, fits well with the general content of horoscope, MPG ratings of automobiles, swimsuit model of the day, exercise videos, recipes, sports, stocks/financial, entertainment, and more. TinBu's modules are available in a number of foreign languages and can be customized to your specifications.

The future of TinBu

TinBu continues to build and develop additional content channels for their clients.  "As head of Marketing for TinBu, I continually receive feedback from our clients on which modules are working best with their specific audiences and which new content channels clients would like to see us develop in the future. TinBu aggressively acts on this feedback to strategically plan our future module deployment and corporate strategy," said Hayward.  "Over the last number of months we have entered the conference circuit.  This summer we attended the Geo Domain Conference in Chicago and the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Conference in NY where we presented to the masses.  With the success of these conferences, we look forward to expanding more into the domain conference sector as the domainer audience is exactly where our firm can add the most value.

"We have almost as many modules in production as we have currently in our product line which is very exciting for us now at TinBu.  We have just signed a multi year deal to create an all encompassing top run movie and box office module.  Additionally, we have just entered into a very exciting partnership with one of our clients and will be launching a national streaming  radio module which will allow people to listen to the radio live via any Web site.  We are weeks away from the release of our new games / Sudoku module which many of our clients are eagerly anticipating.  We have a sports odds and bets module on the assembly line not to mention a mixed drinks module and much more to come!

Hayward goes on to say, "We are certain that TinBu's future with the domain world is very bright.  As we continue to add content, we will be able to help domainers grow and develop their pages as the old adage holds true that "Content is King".  We look forward to having a presence at all the future domain conferences and continuing to listen to domainers needs and finding out new ways we can use TinBu's content to add value to their Web sites and parked pages."

Peter Hayward
VP of Marketing
TinBu, LLC
7555 W Highway 98, Suite C
Pensacola, FL 32506
Tel. (850)-637-1158
Fax (850)-637-1389

About TinBu:

TinBu uses patent-pending technology to provide interactive data products to leading online and wireless companies worldwide. TinBu`s clients include AOL, AOL Latino, AOL Canada, AOL Mexico, Telemundo, MSN, MSN Espa&ntiled;ol, MSNBC, USA TODAY, BellSouth, ATT, Media General, Clear Channel Television, CBS Television, ABC Television, Fox Television, CBS Radio, Boston Herald, Boston Globe, Tribune, Toronto Star, CBC New Media, My Red Fish, Local Solutions Networks, Motricity, uClick, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Hello Metro, New York Daily News, DirecTV, Univision, Terra Networks, Yahoo!, People PC, and many others. For more information visit

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Tinbu LLC

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Tinbu LLC

  • 3 West Garden Street Suite 718
    Pensacola, Florida 32502
  • 850 292-4272