Where do you find the best neighborhoods in Charleston, SC? There are many all over the Lowcountry.
Our expert real estate team helps buyers find the best neighborhoods that suit their needs, preferences, work commutes, hobbies, and more. Contact us to get top notch service in finding the right neighborhood and home for you by calling 843.631.2463 or email info@charlestonrealestate.properties.
The "West Ashley" area of Charleston, SC has convenient access to I-526, tons of dining, shopping and grocery stores. 29407 and 29414 is one of the most sought after areas of Charleston!
Here's what one seller says about their home, neighborhood of Hunt Club and area:
What the Seller Says... About 1059 Shipton Ct, Charleston SC 29414
What are features of your home that you've really enjoyed?
We have enjoyed the back deck and the fire pit. The cul-de-sac is a great place for the children to play with out worrying about traffic.
What can you tell us about your neighborhood?
Our neighborhood is great for cookouts, riding bikes, fishing. Lots of community activities.
What do you love about your town?
Charleston is great for restaurants. It’s packed with lots of history, and beaches!
Where do you love to eat?
We like to eat at Zen Asian Fusion, Tabbuli, and also Red’s at Bohicket!
Grocery stores and other conveniences?
Everything you need is minutes away in the shopping center. Dry cleaners, Publix, veterinary, a USPS store, a few restaurants, and a hair and nail place.
What do you love about the area?
I like the convenience of being close to everything, but not in a neighborhood that is on top of another neighborhood.
What other things do you love/enjoy about the area?
The ponds in the neighborhood have tons of fish. The kids can ride their bikes without worrying about a lot of cars going from one pond to another.
Utility costs?
Our utilities are with SCE&G and Charleston Water. On average our water bill is $115-$125. Our electricity bill ranges from $220-$350, depending on the weather.
View more photos of 1059 Shipton Ct by clicking the link above.
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