BioRegenx has been formed with the merger of Microvascular Health Solutions LLC, MyBodyRx LLC, and NuLife Sciences LLC. This merger combines the patented intellectual property of a breakthrough medical testing device GlycoCheck, a patented nutraceutical Endocalyx, additional synergistic dietary supplement products, and a customer base of medical professionals and brand partners in North America.
Microvascular Health Solutions (MVHS) is a research and product development, sales, education, and marketing company that has developed the patented and clinically tested Endocalyx™ dietary supplement to improve the health of the endothelial glycocalyx. In addition, MVHS manufactures, exclusively sells and distributes the patented GlycoCheck™ software and Class 1 medical device that measures and analyzes the endothelial glycocalyx, a transparent lining inside all blood vessels.
GlycoCheck™ is a research and development company dedicated to the study the endothelial glycocalyx and vascular function. GlycoCheck™ develops medical software that measures microvascular and glycocalyx function in healthy subjects and patients. In addition, GlycoCheck™ assesses and monitors the beneficial therapeutic effects of specific glycocalyx dietary supplements and pharmaceutical applications.
My Body Rx™ is a manufacturing, sales and product development company that produces dietary supplements that complement and work synergistically with the patented and clinically tested Endocalyx™ product to support and improve healthy aging and increase longevity.
NuLife Sciences (formerly NuLife Ventures) is a research development, marketing and distribution company whose mission is to harness advanced technologies to redefine health and longevity. This is achieved by increasing understanding of the biology that controls lifespan and anti-aging in the human body. NuLife exclusively markets the MyBodyRx™ supplement line. NuLife will also distribute GlycoCheck™, along with other products.