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About US Air Purifiers LLC

5221 Castleberry Dr.
Peoria, Illinois 61615

Hello, we are Dick & Barb Lulay the owners of US Air Purifiers LLC formerly known as Air Purifiers Direct 2U.  Dick is a retired veteran after 30 years of service to our country and has always had an interest in a healthy lifestyle through his work and his hobbies like power lifting.  Barb is an electrical engineer graduate from University of Illinois and now a  work-at-home mom who also has always had a focus on health & wellness through her hobbies - body building, triathlon, swimming, etc.  You probably aren't surprised to hear that their 5 children enjoy staying active and living the healthiest lifestyle they can too - cheerleading, volleyball, football, Kuk Sool, soccer, basketball and more.

Like every family,  we were dealt some health challenges such as major allergies, lupus and IGA nethropathy that changed our lives dramatically.  These challenges could have ended horrifically, but we spent hours of time and research finding the solution.  Our solution entailed  removing the toxins from our environment and rebuilding our bodies to their optimal health. With God's blessings, this was the ideal solution for our needs.  Jillian Michael's teaches the same philosophy in her new book, Master Your Metabolism. The logic for this system is not new or difficult; however, the pathway can be tricky and even detrimental if you aren't knowledgeable so our mission is to teach others a safe, effective pathway to optimal health.

In February of 2012, we decided to expand our health and wellness business, Health and Harmony  to include US Air Purifiers LLC because air purification is critical for your optimal health especially since indoor air is 9 times worse than outdoor air.  Now we can truly offer our customers the fullest range of top quality health products so they too can enjoy clean air & water, safe & effective supplements, nontoxic cleaners and paraben free personal products.

We don't just sell these products:  we use a full range of these products in our own home because we have found that this is the best way to create the healthiest lifestyle and that is what we want for our family.  We are very passionate about our business because quite honestly, this lifestyle change saved our lives.  Have 2 minutes? You can check out our story:  Barb's Lupus Solution.

We respect your time and money as if it were our own.  Not only are we located in America but also we focus on quality suppliers like Austin Air that are American owned when possible so that your hard earned money can stay in the United States.  That is why we offer you the best specials available.  Furthermore, we offer the best VALUE.  You will not find the cheapest products online or the most expensive products online on any of our sites.


  • US Air Purifiers
  • US Air Purifiers LLC offers the best of both worlds for our wide array of air purifiers, humidifiers, and air conditioners: Large business advantage of lowest prices and highest quality offering a wide array of air purifier and air filter brands, plus the Small business advantage of outstanding customer service, free shipping, specials, and tips catered to your interest.


US Air Purifiers

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US Air Purifiers

  • 5221 Castleberry Dr.
    Peoria, Illinois 61615
  • (888)-231-1463