The new 600 watt puresine inverter charger has been added to AIMS Power’s pure sine inverter charger
line. This new model will be added to the already existing pure sine inverter
charger products to better fit the needs of smaller electrical applications.
This 600 watt inverter
is used for smaller electrical application needs. This new unit is smaller and
more compact than the other pure sine inverter chargers in the AIMS Power line.
It will work great in smaller camp trailers, for pellet stove backup, CPAPs,
medical equipment and many other small electronic devices. The inverter is also
a perfect source for external power sources and renewable energy systems.
This inverter has many great features starting with
its ability to surge to 300% for 20 seconds.
The unit also out puts clean pure sine AC power.
The end user has the ability to control the priority
of the inverter from AC or DC.
Traditionally an inverter charger only operates from AC priority mode.
This unit from AIMS Power allows the user to choose a battery priority mode,
which will allow them to use any renewable energy collected before looking to
the grid for more power.
The new 600 watt pure sine inverter charger has a
few other great features built in including an automatic transfer switch and an
auto gen start. The auto gen start will
send a signal to a capable generator when the battery voltage reaches a low
point. This will allow the batteries to
recharge from the generator.
This inverter charger is the smallest in the AIMS
Power line which includes sizes up to 12000 watts.
The new 600 watt inverter charger is the smallest of its kind in the inverter charger line by AIMS Power
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