We listed this property at 947 Mount Vernon Road on James Island recently, as January was coming to a close. It had MULTIPLE offers and went under contract in just THREE days! And thus, we're certain about a few things...
1) Buyers are ACTIVE
2) Inventory is LOW
3) Inventory is particularly LOW for water view or water front property in the Charleston area
This particular gorgeous, 4BR/3ba home was completely remodeled and tucked away on James Island with its gorgeous, backyard marsh views on a tidal creek with room to put in a small boat. We can count on our fingers and toes the buyers we have who are actively looking for a property like this! The market is HOT right now for waterfront properties, and buyers are coming out of the woodwork looking for a waterfront property, whether ocean front, on a tidal creek, on deep water, on the river, on a lake, or even those having a neighborhood dock...you name it! You could be getting top dollar for your property that is currently in high demand!
Do you have a waterfront property in the greater Charleston area you've been thinking about selling? Do you know someone who is sitting on a great property near the water like this that may be thinking about selling or would consider it? We specialize in waterfront properties, and our expert team knows how to market effectively to get you the best price! Call us today at (843)631.2463 or email info@charlestonrealestate.properties for a FREE CMA!
Learn more about the homes, neighborhoods and area of West Ashley in Charleston SC
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We'll help you research, stay in the know, and select your perfect home in the Charleston SC area.
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Find out how our Greater Charleston Properties Team is getting our clients top dollar for their home and selling in record time with our marketing system!
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One of Mount Pleasant's premier neighborhoods is Belle Hall. Find out why and more on all its amenities.
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Search available deep water or water view homes and buildable lots in Mount Pleasant SC
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West Ashley is a part of Charleston close to I-526, 15 minutes to downtown, and close to tons of dining, shopping and businesses
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Find out why now is the time to buy a home
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Seller tells us what they love about the best neighborhood in Mount Pleasant SC
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Let the Greater Charleston Properties Team help you find the top Mount Pleasant SC neighborhoods and homes for sale
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Whether you'd like to make Isle of Palms your permanent residence, or find a 2nd home for vacationing, there are many options in single family homes, condos, townhouses- whether directly ocean front, a couple rows back, or further inland. We'd lo ...
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Find the best deals on island living at Folly Beach with Greater Charleston Properties
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We have a special offer- a no risk, no obligation offer in selling your home. Check out our No Hassle Listing Program
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One of Mount Pleasant's top new construction developments is Oyster Point, and there are many more!
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Thinking about listing your water front home for sale in Charleston SC? The buyers are HOT for them right now! Now is the time to list!
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Find the best homes in Charleston SC and why many are flocking to the Lowcountry
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Move to James Island SC and find the best homes. Learn about the golf courses and plantations.
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Learn the oldest neighborhoods of James Island, rich with history, especially if you're into the "Fixer Upper"!
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Best neighborhoods of James Island SC for boating, fishing, crabbing, and more
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