Close-Up Talk Radio Spotlights Author Pat Earle
Hickory, NC – Upon the passing of her husband in 1991, Pat Earle discovered that the family didn't seem to know anything at all about the history or heritage of either family. “Our families were great storytellers and we have a rich history that I’ve taken in over the years through my family and my husband’s family. I stored much of it away until recently. At a local writer’s group, I shared my writing’s regarding our family history with the group who encouraged me to put it all together into this work,” exclaims Earle.
The book is entitled An Imperfect Tapestry and is an intriguing collection of stories about the Earle/Trapp families. It features the lives, times, and eras of which these families experienced from the time of the Civil War. The book is a detailed description about the impact of the times and the region in which the two families lived entwined in such a way to form An Imperfect Tapestry, available at
“These connected stories are real reflections about the history and socioeconomic lifestyle of working class Americans in middle-America told through narrative transition. It begins and ends with my wedding to Floyd. This book was also a way for me to carry on the memory of my husband for future generations of our family.”
Before completing An Imperfect Tapestry, Pat Earle and her husband were successful speech pathologists and after the couple relocated to Greensboro, North Carolina Pat became an Episcopal Priest.
Pat Earle will be featured on Close-Up Talk Radio with hosts Doug Llewelyn and Jim Masters at on February 4th at 3pm EST and February 11th at 8pm EST. Listeners are encouraged to dial-in at 347-996-3389.
For more information about Pat Earle call 828-328-6766 or email To purchase An Imperfect Tapestry visit
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