Close-Up Talk Radio Spotlights Author Paula Jo (Eberwine) Blubaugh
Knox County, Ohio – For many writers, the search for inspiration can be a long and daunting one indeed. For Paula Jo (Eberwine) Blubaugh, inspiration for her book, Dalmatian Road, came to her during a simple conversation with her son while driving home one day.
Released in 2012 (Xlibris), Dalmatian Road offers children a simple and fun way to learn and enjoy the experience of reading. Dalmatian Road is full of life, color illustrations, and imagination. Through rhyming, Dalmatian Road provides children the opportunity to identify different animals and colors essential to educational advancement.
As a schoolteacher for 31 years, Paula strived to teach children the importance of imagination and not taking things so literally. There’s many ways to interpret things so why limit the imagination?
“A child’s perspective can be incredible! Children of all reading levels enjoy Dalmatian Road because of the simplicity of rhymes. It was my intention to help introduce children to the enjoyment of reading. Children that are hesitant to read find this book fun and easy to read. The best part is they come back wanting to read more. The wonderful illustrations enable the reader to associate with the coinciding words. The simplicity of the rhymes allows the reader to remember the concepts,” exclaims Blubaugh.
Dalmatian Road is the first published work for Paula and is available through and Paula is currently working on ten new works for the near future further exploring the imagination and allowing children to truly appreciate the joy of reading.
Paula Jo (Eberwine) Blubaugh will be featured on Close-Up Talk Radio in a four-part series with host Doug Llewelyn at on February 5th, February 12th, February 19th and February 26th. All shows will air at 11am on their respective dates. Listeners are encouraged to call in at 347-996-3389.
For more information about Paula Jo (Eberwine) Blubaugh email or call 740-599-6473.
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