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Close-Up Talk Radio spotlights motivational speaker Cea Cohen Elliott

Xenia 5/16/2013 8:32:42 PM

Xenia, OH – Fear is a great motivator, but laughter is the best medicine.

Cea Cohen Elliott is a professional motivational speaker, wellness and fitness coach, and seminar and workshop leader. Covering a wide variety of topics ranging from customer service and team building to stress management and even how to make a difference in the world, Elliott always weaves her unique sense of humor into her positive messages.

“My goal is to get people to laugh and cry at the same time,” says Elliott. “Life is like a high school dance. Are you dancing through life or are you standing against the walls? If I can get you to just take five minutes to think about what you’re doing to take care of yourself, then I’m really happy.”

With a master’s degree in counseling, Elliott has spent her entire life searching for an understanding of what motivates people. According to Elliott, no matter what challenges we face life gets easier when we lighten up and take ourselves less seriously.

“Motivational speaking provides a venue for me to make sense of what we’re all trying to accomplish, which is, ‘How do we stay healthy? How do we live a better life?” says Elliott. “If I can make people laugh while getting my message across, people will listen.”

Elliott’s improvisational, interactive approach to public speaking has proven remarkably effective when discussing topics like wellness, a subject audiences can be somewhat resistant to.

“Wellness is about balance: the emotional, the spiritual, the physical and the mental component of one’s life,” says Elliott. “I talk about modification and moderation.”

Elliott believes having a positive attitude is a choice: we can be healthy or we can be a victim and stay sick.

“There was a time in my life when I couldn’t laugh. I had to work my way up to one day at a time,” says Elliott. “It’s about taking baby steps. Small changes can yield big results.”

Close-Up Talk Radio will feature Cea Cohen Elliott in a two-part interview with Jim Masters on May 17th at 1pm EST and with Doug Llewelyn on May 24th at 1pm EST.

Listen to the show If you have a question for our guest, call (347) 996-3389.

For more information on Cea Cohen Elliott, visit

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