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Dr. Martha Pearse Featured on Close-Up Talk Radio

Denver 5/22/2013 7:11:54 PM

When faced with life’s many challenges sometimes a good friend is all you need, but some problems require more work. Psychotherapy removes that burden from your friends and family, allowing you to focus your attention on your problems with purpose and begin the process of healing.  

For more than 30 years, licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Martha Pearse has provided psychotherapy to adults and couples through her private psychotherapy practice in Denver, CO. Dr. Pearse provides treatment to many diverse populations but she enjoys most the people who are interested in their own personal growth.

“You have to be a curious person to be a psychologist,” says Dr., Pearse. “I remember thinking as a kid, ‘Why do people behave the way they do?’ I have answered some of those questions, but I’m always working on the others.

With a background in journalism, Dr. Pearse still has “a nose for news.” She’s found there are amazing similarities between the two professions. These are people’s stories.

“It’s the therapist’s job to ask the right questions,” says Dr. Pearse.” “It’s my job to guide them toward the answers. I think clients appreciate that I really do listen  And, I am involved in their journeys. The job here is to take the time to figure things out because there isn’t an instant answer and it wouldn’t be helpful to give you one.”

Today, Dr. Pearse works out of her home, offering clients a more comfortable and relaxed environment. Dr. Pearse is assisted in therapy by her dog Gracie.

“It’s amazing what dogs can sense,” says Dr. Pearse. “If Gracie is in the backyard and a client begins to cry here in the living room, within a few seconds you will see Gracie. Dogs are wonderful healers. There’s nothing conditional about the way they love you.”

Close-Up Talk Radio will feature Dr. Martha Pearse in a two-part interview with Doug Llewelyn on May 23rd at 3pm EST and with Jim Masters on May 30th at 3pm.

Listen to the show If you have a question for our guest, call (347) 996-3389.

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