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Clinical Social Worker Wendy Pierson to be featured on Close-Up Talk Radio

Morristown 9/18/2013 2:19:46 AM

Close-Up Talk Radio Spotlights Clinical Social Worker Wendy Pierson

Morristown, NJ- Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping, Bi-Lateral Stimulation, Trance…What are all of these techniques?  Join us in our 5 part series where we will be talking with Wendy Pierson, LCSW who is using these innovative brain based techniques in her private practice. Ms. Pierson reports she is witnessing amazing results with a myriad of issues including anxiety, fear, trauma, relationship issues, school and work performance, test anxiety and sexual issues to name a few. She notes that through the use of brain-based interventions people can be reprogrammed to more effectively achieve their desired outcomes.

Ms. Pierson’s extensive education includes a Bachelor Degree in Early Childhood Education from Wheelock College in Boston where she also minored in Psychology and specialized in Clinical Work with Children. Pierson went on to complete her Masters Degree in Social Work at New York University. She is now a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Private Practice in the State of New Jersey.

Ms. Pierson holds certificates in School Social Work and Family and is certified as a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner. She is certified by the Mental Health Association of New Jersey as a Disaster Response Crisis Counselor and by The International Association of Counselors and Therapists in Hypnosis. In addition she is certified by the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) in National Community Crisis Response Team Training and Advanced Community Crisis Response Team Training. 

Ms. Pierson is a long time member of the National Association of Social Workers and the New Jersey Association of Female Therapists. 

For the last 20 years Ms. Pierson’s experience ranges from working with young children, adolescents, adults, couples and families through all forms of relationship issues, trauma and grief. Pierson combines her passion for helping people understand and overcome the obstacles they face with her eclectic clinical training and creative use of brain based techniques.     

Wendy Pierson will be discussing her incredible work on Close-Up Talk Radio with host Jim Masters at on September 19th, September 26th, October 3rd, October 10th, and October 17th. All shows will air at 8pm EDT on their respective dates.

For more information about Wendy P. Pierson visit, email, or call 201-349-2654.

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