As a merchant or online business, high fraud levels (both first and third-party fraud) are causing you chargeback pain. With Ethoca Alerts, you can now stop these chargebacks at the source. Instead of waiting up to six weeks through the normal chargeback dispute process, you simply refund the transaction immediately to avoid the chargeback.
Take immediate action to refund the transaction and avoid the chargeback. Notification time is reduced from weeks to hours or days. Chargeback costs eliminated – Merchant stays within acceptable limits and increases processing volume. The only reliable way to get rid of chargebacks is to stop them at the source – the issuing bank. Our network is built for the future and comes with a simple promise: making chargebacks a thing of the past.
A chargeback alert receives confirmed fraudulent transactions from the Issuers 24/7 and processes these in real time. Merchants can expect to receive alerts 24/7. To avoid chargebacks, refunds must be processed within 24 hours of receiving the alert – this includes alerts received on the weekends.
When you are a merchant, you need chargeback alerts and a chargeback management program that will help you take immediate steps to stop chargeback fraud and help avoid chargeback fees.
Chargeback Defense alert management programs powered by Ethoca lets the merchants have the flexibility to manage chargebacks effectively and efficiently inside the Chargeback Defense online portal for Chargeback Alerts. Processors and merchants can choose from an array of collaborative chargeback defense alert strategies.
How can Chargeback Alerts help merchants prevent chargebacks
A Chargeback Alert is a notice from a network of banks that you receive in real time letting you know that a fraud chargeback has been confirmed by the issuing bank or customer has initiated a dispute. This real time notification will prevent a chargeback hitting your account and will give you the opportunity to refund or accept the dispute.
How do I avoid chargebacks?
There are many strategies to avoid chargebacks. Using a collaborative model can broaden your net to increase the chances of catching more chargebacks. Here are seven tips to avoid chargebacks.
What is an Ethoca Chargeback Alert?
Ethoca Alerts leverages Ethoca’s global collaboration network to stop fraud and eliminate chargebacks. By providing merchants with cardholder confirmed fraud and customer dispute data – direct from card issuers in near real time – merchants now have advance notification of impending chargebacks and can take immediate action to stop them at the source.
What to do if the alert doesn’t catch the chargeback
First check all internal systems where transactions may be stored, many times an alert can be from a website, call center, or store that the merchant is not searching for. Next you should search their systems looking for the order, if possible, by authorization date and dollar amount, it is uncommon but possible that the issuer sent a credit card number but the order was placed using a one-time use/virtual card number. The order would be stored in your systems with the one-time use/virtual card number and not the credit card number.
The most common reasons a merchant cannot find an alert are:
• Merchant uses a different system for these transactions, for example the transactions may be from another channel such as their physical store.
• Incorrect merchant descriptors, the transaction does not belong to the merchant or an affiliate or reseller is using the same merchant descriptor as the merchant
• Merchant uses PayPal and/or Google Checkout and never sees the credit card number
• Merchant uses some other way to accept payment that means merchant does not see credit card number from the merchant.
Real-time chargeback prevention
We offer merchants the ability to manage a pre-authorized transaction before its sent that prevents receiving chargeback to your bank.
Go here to get Chargeback Alterts today or call 855-350-1106855-350-1106 FREE.
Friendly fraud is rampant today in merchant account activity. Chargeback alerts will notify you about a fraud or a dispute before your merchant account is notified giving you a chance to refund or dispute the chargeback.
Released On: 2/10/2016
Views: 3839