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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Net Neutrality (HBO)

Cable companies are trying to create an unequal playing field for internet speeds, but they're doing it so boringly that most news outlets aren't covering it...

If you have been living under a rock for a while, then you may not have heard that our last shred of freedom in this country is under attack by who else, the companies that we "willingly" give our money to.

#NetNeutrality is the principle that ISPs and governments should treat all data on the internet equally, not discriminating or charging differently by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment and modes of communication. However, Comcast, Time Warner and other companies that provide us all with internet are fighting to provide "express lanes" to make some sites load faster than others. This would mean that big services, Facebook, Netflix, Twitter and several other sites, would be able to run faster but sites who can't pay or do not want to would be slower possibly even slowed down. 

If this isn't the perfect example of what is wrong with America and what Capitalism has become. Communism is great on paper but when you get into the nitty-gritty, the Government can easily become corrupted and take advantage of the people. While this isn't entirely a problem with Capitalism, what has ended up happening is that all the money floated to the top and the people who have it have the means to make more and provide whatever they want. We are being sold crap and told that it is gold. We are being sold products by American companies, made by "slaves" because Capitalism is all about making the biggest profit for the least amount of cost. Rather than making products in America, they are outsourced to other developing countries because it is cheaper. Jobs are either Serivce based or Manufacturing based, outsourcing takes away half the jobs that could possibly available. People blame the President for the economy, "YOU need to make jobs, create jobs, etc etc etc WAH WAH WAH" when the real problem are the companies who do not want to pay Americans for American goods.  They'd rather pay a child half a penny a week (hence the "" over slaver) rather than an American even minimum wage. 

You probably noticed how I put "" over willingly up there. There are only a few ISPs in America and even then you can't really choose which one you pay. The video below explains everything much better but the point is, we are getting screwed the way Government screws people in Communist societies. 

I almost hope that Net Neutrality dies. I'd do anything for some catalyst that will cause the fat, lazy people of this country to stand up and tear down what was once a beautiful idea now perverted. 

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