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Lawyers With Purpose Reveals The Secrets Smart Estate and Elder Law Attorneys use to bring in Consistent Monthly Cash Flow

No longer worry about an empty calendar or making payroll - or a phone that doesn't ring.

New York 1/7/2016 6:00:00 PM

Marketing support begins at your LWP members-only website, where you will find a wealth of resources to help you with every aspect of building your LWP practice.

Many attorneys are averse to marketing and worse, they don't do it until they have to - that is when they're not making payroll. Marketing is not a particular action, but rather a way in which you operate your law firm. It is not based on a single act, but based on a strategic accumulation of simple acts that together create the results you ultimately want, while maintaining your integrity and belief systems.

At Lawyers with Purpose™, we approach marketing based on a three-prong strategy: the retail approach, wholesale approach, and branding approach. The reality is you're doing it anyway, but you're just not doing it in a way in which others can react willingly and engage with you.


Retail marketing is the strategy where you market directly to your target market. This is traditionally done by newspaper ads, telephone book, radio ads, and maybe even TV. This strategy is utilized to get the client to come directly into your office or to an educational presentation (or we'll call it a workshop). Retail marketing has the quickest turnaround time from marketing to client, but it is the most expensive. While expensive, it still is very effective when done properly. The keys to have it done properly is to ensure once they come into your office, that you have the strategic plan to help the client see the value you can provide for them, so that they will engage with you willingly. Not only does LWP provide you the retail marketing strategy but we also provide you the educational training and tools to carry it out in a manner that allows prospects to identify your value easily. We also have multiple, fully developed workshops that are wholly inclusive with the speaker's notes, course plan, handouts, overheads, and all the other elements you need for a successful educational presentation. Most importantly, we also teach you the fundamental standards to deliver a workshop where the client can identify your purpose and the value you can provide for them, in terms they understand and believe in. If most clients can identify with you in the workshop, or in your initial meeting, and are confident you can solve their problems, they'll hire you.

Guides you through the process of building a strong referral network, from initial contact, the Synergy Meeting™, Strategy meeting™, Relationship Review Meeting™ and the unparalleled power of the Asset Protection Analysis™. Includes: retail and private presentations for you to present to professionals and agencies, workshop strategy planning and promotions, letters, tracking, follow-up and conversion reporting.


While retail marketing is more of a bucket approach, that is, to go out sell the bucket, empty it, and then go out and refill the bucket, wholesale marketing is more of a pipeline approach. Wholesale marketing is creating meaningful relationships with allied professionals who service your target markets. A critical element of wholesale marketing is creating relationships with people who respect what you do and enjoy working with you. It also involves trusting your clients. I know it may sound foreign, but when properly done, your relationships can be actually enjoyable for you as well and not the subject of angst. How many times have you had a meeting with a potential referral source, felt like you hit it off, but then nothing ever happened. It's not because they didn't like you, it's just because there was no clear path for them to work with you or the value that you provide to them to build their practice wasn't clear to them. At Lawyers with Purpose™, we have the complete relationship management system that focuses on an initial meeting. In one hour, it helps you identify the great relationships from the not so great ones and more importantly helps you identify relationships you can actually enjoy and develop a mutual respect for and work with to support each other's clients. This relationship management system not only makes your relationships more enjoyable but also helps you quickly identify and manage where to effectively spend your time. In fact, we have proven over and over again with our members that the two 1 1/2 hour meetings a week are more than sufficient to create a pipeline of referrals to support your monthly revenue goals and objectives and bring joy into the practice you have. At LWP we also have multiple presentations, CE, and CLE approvable presentations to deliver to the professional relationships you build.

Letters, postcards, flyers, brochures, press releases, and ads you can use to build your practice. Includes a complete nursing home marketing strategy campaign.


Unlike retail marketing and wholesale marketing, branding is what you do when nobody's looking, but inadvertently they always are. Branding is what you do when you talk at social functions to other people. It's what you do when you go to your local church or synagogue. It's what you do when you go out with family members and friends. Branding is also what you do in all of your retail and wholesale marketing strategies. Ultimately, branding helps people in the community identify what they think when they hear your law firm name. The key toward a branding strategy is to be yourself, but also, to integrate who you are across all three elements: retail, wholesale, and branding to utilize a variety of methods, including print, writing, educational presentations, speaking opportunities, relationships, brochures, guides, and other methods to help people understand who you are and what you do. A properly designed three-tiered marketing system will get you regular referrals on an ongoing basis (weekly) from a variety of sources. Typically, our members are getting referral sources each week from retail, wholesale, and branding efforts. A constant pipeline of opportunities shows value as a practice and allows them to share their purpose with the clients they serve.

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    New Hartford, NY 13413
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