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Medical termination of pregnancy

Before choosing a clinic, you must:

  1. check whether it has a license to terminate pregnancy, since not everyone has one. 

  1. whether a particular doctor performs this procedure: it is possible that the doctor does not perform abortions due to personal beliefs or lacks experience.

The entire procedure takes about three days. According to the WHO-approved scheme, it takes place in two stages.

Stage 1. In the clinic, under the supervision of a doctor, the woman takes a drug like Mifepristone buy with the active ingredient mifepristone, which blocks the production of progesterone. This female hormone is involved in all processes occurring in the uterus, including pregnancy. The purpose of mifepristone is to stop the pregnancy itself and increase contractions of the myometrium, the middle layer of the uterus. For the first two hours after taking the drug, the patient remains under supervision in the clinic. 

Stage 2: After 24–48 hours, the patient should take misoprostol, the second drug in the regimen, which stimulates the smooth muscles of the uterus and dilates the cervix. At this stage, spotting appears; it can be more abundant than during menstruation and last about 7 days. This is normal: the fertilized egg is rejected, which means that the procedure for medical termination of pregnancy is going according to plan. These processes are accompanied by nagging pain in the abdomen, which should be tolerable.

The recommendations for the use of mifepristone indicate that the patient must come for an examination by a gynecologist 7–14 days after taking the first drug [3]. If an ultrasound and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) test show that the pregnancy has stopped, but complete expulsion of the fetus has not occurred, the gynecologist may prescribe misoprostol again. 

The drugs can be used separately, but the effectiveness of the procedure in this case will be less. 

Medical termination of pregnancy: until what time can it be done?

Medical termination of pregnancy is carried out only in the early stages - up to 6 weeks. 

The procedure is considered safe and effective in the early stages of pregnancy, since at this time the fertilized egg is still weakly attached to the wall of the uterus.

However, even in the early stages there are contraindications:

  • anemia

  • allergy to active ingredients in medications

  • uterine fibroids or hormone-dependent tumors

  • ectopic pregnancy

  • severe genital diseases

The doctor may include bad habits, mental disorders and other aspects of an unhealthy, complicated lifestyle as risk factors. 

Aborting a pregnancy at home is dangerous. There is a risk of side effects that you may encounter and simply not know what is a normal reaction and what is a pathology. Before the pharmaboration at the clinic, you will definitely undergo an examination, including an ultrasound, to make sure that the pregnancy is developing in the uterine cavity. If you take the drug during an ectopic pregnancy, it can cause internal bleeding and complications, including death. 

How to restore the body after medical termination of pregnancy

Studies show that the likelihood of complications after the procedure is low: from 0.1 to 5.4% [5]. However, you need to carefully monitor your health and, in case of severe discomfort, consult a doctor.

Normal symptoms after taking medications in the first 24 hours:

  • nausea

  • vomit

  • diarrhea

  • headache and dizziness

  • chills

You should immediately contact the clinic if, after taking the second drug:

  • heart rate increased

  • high temperature rose

  • Abdominal pain is too severe and cannot be relieved with painkillers

  • I have to use more than two overnight pads in 2 hours

Modern research shows that there is no connection between medical termination of pregnancy and problems with conception in the future.

After taking medications, it is important to take care of your health:

  • eat well

  • move enough, but don't overload

  • sleep at least 8 hours a day

  • spend time outdoors

  • follow doctor's recommendations

Additional measures are usually not required. The menstrual cycle is normally restored within a month after the procedure. If a woman encounters severe psychological problems after a pharmaceutical abortion, it is worth contacting a competent psychologist or psychotherapist, and also discussing further contraception with her gynecologist. Fear of a possible pregnancy after a medical abortion can greatly affect a woman’s quality of life and reduce sexual desire. In this case, reliable contraception helps reduce anxiety about a possible recurrence of the situation.

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