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Tobacco craze

Everyone knows that "smoking kills!!!" However, the number of tobacco consumers is not decreasing. And how happy "smokers" were with the appearance of new forms of tobacco products. They are sold in stores, in specially equipped kiosks, on the Internet with advertising about how safe it is. People believe this information and convince themselves of the harmlessness of consuming this product. Let's take a closer look at what is what.

A special tobacco mixture, which consists only of tobacco, cut in different ways and soaked in propylene glycol and glycerin (the same as used in vape liquids, POD systems), is placed in a capsule - a tobacco stick, also known as a "stick". They are not used as cigarettes, on the contrary, they are prohibited from being used in this way.

The stick is inserted into the hole and placed on the heating element; in IQOS it is made in the form of a blade.

What elements are included in the sticks?

The sticks contain the following components:

tobacco mixture with flavorings; acetate component, designed to create a smoke flow; biopolymer film, which maintains the optimal temperature; belt-type filter, necessary to reduce the temperature of the aerosol;

acetate film used to clear smoke;

Polylactide film designed for comfortable heating and maintaining humidity.

What are the sticks made of?

A stick is a special "cigarette" consisting of a specially processed tobacco bag, a heating shell and a filter. Unlike cigarettes, they do not need to be lit to use, but only heated.

What are IQOS sticks actually made of and do they contain real tobacco?

From time to time I review tobacco heating devices such as Iqos, Glo, etc. We live in the 21st century and see the results of technological progress. Today, tobacco companies are gradually abandoning the classic method of smoking cigarettes using the process of burning tobacco. As a result of research, it was found that a huge amount of harmful substances enter the body with tobacco smoke from cigarettes. Tobacco heating systems have not yet been fully studied, but some experts agree that this is "smoking", but in fact, vaping tobacco.

For those who didn't know, the American company Philip Morris is engaged in the production of sticks. They gave their brainchild the name - Heets. Everyone calls them as they like - sticks, heats, etc.

Visually, the stick can be divided into two parts, like a cigarette. It has a filter and a part filled with tobacco. Let's start with the filter. If we press it lightly with our fingers, we will hear and feel that there is some hard part inside that makes a rustling sound. To prevent the outgoing steam from being too sharp and hot to taste, the manufacturer used an innovative filtration system.

At the beginning of the filter, there is an acetate segment. It is followed by a cylinder made of biopolymer material. This film is made of polylactic acid. This part is needed to cool the steam and to prevent it from being too wet. And behind the polylactide element, there is another acetate segment, but with a hollow hole in the center for better ventilation.

After the filter there is a part filled with tobacco. There is nothing unusual about it. The tobacco part accounts for about 20-30% of the length of the stick.

Why IQOS is the worst replacement for cigarettes: 5 arguments

  1. High cost of IQOS sticks

Many people quit smoking for two reasons - financial or health problems how advise If the first issue can still be resolved, then there is nothing more important than health. In this case, it is better to quit smoking once and for all. The price of sticks will only increase. Therefore, if you thought that smoking IQOS is cheaper and more profitable than cigarettes, you are deeply mistaken.

  1. Heets sticks for IQOS have become worse.

Firstly, about 3-4 sticks from the pack turned out to be defective. When inserted into the device, they practically did not emit any steam (smoke). Some had paper peeling off on the tube. Or when you take out a stick, half of the tobacco sticks to the blade and falls off.

Secondly, at the end of 2020, the taste of the sticks began to change for the worse. Either they changed the flavoring, or they started to save on production. In addition to the fact that you pay a lot of money for a pack, in return you get "Heets" sticks of dubious quality.

  1. The IQOS device must be cleaned regularly.

The IQOS blade had a sooty residue that needed to be cleaned out. Otherwise, the taste would have notes of burnt tobacco with bitterness. To clean the blade inside the device, you need to use the brush that comes with it. Or use special alcohol sticks.

In addition to keeping the blade clean, the cap periodically gets clogged with burnt tobacco. And it also needs to be cleaned. Fortunately, there is a special brush in the kit. This procedure takes an average of 5-10 minutes. When the sticks got worse, soot formed almost every day.

  1. The IQOS device needs to be charged.

We live in the digital era, where every device needs charging. If you are used to being able to take a pack of cigarettes out of your pocket and light up at any time, then you need to be careful with IQOS.

  1. Frequent breakdowns of the IQOS device.

For those who have never smoked IQOS, the device often breaks and they have to return it under warranty or send it in for repair at their own expense.

After six months, the button may stop working, the plastic tab that secures the lid may break, and IQOS will stop charging inside the unit due to problems with the contacts.

What is the difference between regular cigarettes and sticks?

Both regular cigarettes and sticks may have different nicotine content. The user can choose the “strength” and consume what he likes best.

While regular cigarettes mostly contain dried, shredded tobacco of various varieties, the process of producing a stick is more complex. Special tobacco is shredded, soaked in glycerin and other additives, and then pressed into sheets.

Why are sticks better than regular cigarettes?

A regular cigarette contains approximately 0.9 mg of nicotine, while smoking sticks contain 1.9 mg. The tar content in a stick is 35 mg, while in a cigarette it is 17 mg. These figures are twice as high as in a regular cigarette. Despite the fact that the amount of tobacco in sticks is visually several times less. In addition, they contain glycerin, which is not found in regular cigarettes.

Are there any cigarettes that are safe for health?

There is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke.

Second-hand smoke contains about 4,000 chemicals, including about 70 carcinogens. Passive smoking has been proven to be the cause of most cases of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease in non-smokers.

A false healthy lifestyle: same habits, different cover

Not long ago, a study was conducted in which scientists were able to compare the toxicological properties of regular cigarettes, vapes, and tobacco heating systems. Scientists have long proven the harm of vapes. But IQOS and the like continue to be known as a relatively harmless alternative to regular smoking. During the study, bronchial epithelial cells and precursors of smooth muscle cells in the respiratory tract were exposed to smoke from regular cigarettes and IQOS aerosol. The nicotine content in both samples was 1.2 mg. The experiment lasted 3 days, after which the scientists assessed the work of the cells. As a result, it turned out that both regular cigarettes and IQOS reduce the overall vital activity of cells by 2 or more times. Experts also noted an increase in the content of lactate dehydrogenase, an increase in oxidative stress in cells, and a decrease in the quality of cellular respiration.

Harmlessness or increased danger?

Another study was conducted by specialists from the University of California. The experts purchased four original IQOS kits and began testing them in various modes. During the experiment, the frequency of cleaning the holder, the number and duration of puffs were changed. The density of the generated aerosol, the presence of solid particles in it, and the condition of all functional elements of the device itself were assessed.

As a result, scientists have established that when the system is heated, the polymer filter located inside it begins to melt, releasing formaldehyde cyanohydrin, which, after entering the liver, breaks down into cyanide and formaldehyde. Both of these substances are quite strong poisons, causing chronic poisoning, and in large doses, even death.

However, the manufacturer of IQOS tobacco heating systems denies this in every possible way. The tobacco giant claims that the biopolymer films inside the sticks are made from corn starch, and when heated they harden and change color. But these are not signs of their melting. Although, it would be strange if the manufacturer agreed with such research results and recognized its product as dangerous.

Conclusions: Are bad habits and health compatible?

Of course not - bad habits and health are incompatible. It is simply not natural for a person to inhale anything foreign, be it smoke, steam or aerosol. Even if tobacco heating systems allow to reduce the volume of harmful substances emitted, the latter still remain and harm the smoker's body, as well as the people around him.

It is also worth noting that IQOS has not received approval from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) - this is a US federal agency responsible for monitoring the safety of goods when selling food and drugs. . The Food and Drug Administration has prohibited the manufacturer from presenting IQOS as a more harmless and safe way of smoking. And rightly so, because it is one thing when adult smokers with experience switch to new tobacco heating systems, and another when teenagers believe in the described harmlessness and become addicted to nicotine, wanting to stand out in their circle with a fashionable gadget.

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