Many homeowners assume that their homes are healthy and safe if they don’t see or smell anything unusual -- but the fact of the matter is that there are millions of invisible threats that go on undiagnosed every day in homes across America.According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the air in your indoor environment can be 5 to 10 times more polluted than the air outdoors. Airborne pollutants such as dust, mold, pollen, VOCs and other chemicals, formaldehyde, fiberglass particles, and even insect residue can all aggravate existing health conditions and cause new ones to develop among people with weakened immunity.
The only way to identify illness-causing contaminants in your environment is to test your indoor air. The Test Your Nest Kit helps you perform a comprehensive screening of the air in your home to identify air quality issues, so you can take steps to restore healthy indoor air quality.
The late Dr. P. Ole Fanger an expert on the health effects of indoor environments, who taught at Syracuse University, marveled at the hazards to which Americans unwittingly subjected their babies. Expectant parents typically decorated and furnished nursery rooms with paint, carpet, allergens and other materials containing volatile compounds, then locked the windows in essence taking your baby and putting them in a perfect gas chamber.
Poor indoor air quality can be been linked to a number of ailments, including cardiovascular stress, asthma, fatigue, headaches, digestive problems, impaired coordination and respiratory disease. Individuals with known conditions, like allergies, respiratory ailments and chemical sensitivities, or people who spend a lot of time indoors, such as children, women, seniors and the disabled, experience elevated risk.
The good news is the Test Your Nest test kit is available for the do-it-yourselfer (DIY) to help determine the air quality and quantity of your indoor air identifying potential harmful pollutants in your little one's nursery—or any other room in your home. This easy-to-use, at-home testing kit helps you test for a variety of common home contaminants that could contribute to illness, including pollen, airborne and surface mold, fiberglass particles, insect residue, formaldehyde, and more than 80 volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The Test Your Nest Indoor Air Quality Test Kit also includes prepaid laboratory analysis fees as well as a detailed results report identifying the pollutants in your home along with suggestions for corrective actions.
The Evalu-Aire-Test Your Nest Edition Kit includes four individual sampling kits to test your environment. These kits include:
Before one can remove allergens and/or pollutants effectively, it is essential to understand if they exist, what they are and in what quantity. The "Test Your Nest" Screen Check (TYNSC) is designed to do just that, identifying chemicals, formaldehyde, pollens, and molds, among others.
The kits are available from Building Health Check (, on line retailers and distributors e.g. Grainger, Hunter Fans, Professional Equipment, etc…..For more information on the IAQ Screen Test product line, please visit or contact Alan Wozniak or Cy Garner at 1-800-422-7873 ext 804.
About Building Health Check, LLC:
Alan Wozniak founded Building Health Check, LLC as a product manufacturing component for Pure Air Control Services, Inc. Today, the screen check kit products are manufactured from its offices in Tampa, FL and in which they set the industry standard for indoor environmental quality diagnosis. Pure Air has serviced more than 500 million square feet of indoor environments in over 10,000 facilities.
Pure Air’s nationally performed services include: Building Sciences Evaluation; Building Health Check; an AIHA accredited Environmental Microbiology Laboratory; Environmental Project Management; and Mold Remediation Services, among other indoor environmental services. The company’s expanding client roster includes the General Services Administration (GSA); Allstate Insurance; Carrier Air Conditioning; Naval Air Warfare Center, Orlando; and Naval Air Station - King's Bay, Georgia, and many other Fortune 500 companies, school boards, and city, state, and county governments, making Pure Air a reliable industry leader.
For more information on Building Health Check, LLC. and/or its distribution please contact Cy Garner, at (800) 422-7873 ext 804, or visit
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