Tampa, FL -- Indoor air quality is important to businesses, landlords, building managers, tenants, facilities staff, and employees because it can impact both positively and negatively the health, comfort, well being, and productivity of building occupants.
Studies have shown that the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi in and around a building serves as a source of indoor bio-pollutant. World Health Organization (WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality, 2009) concluded that the most important effect is increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms, allergies and asthma, as well as perturbation of the immunological systems. According to the report building dampness (supporting factor for microbial growth in buildings) varies widely from country to country and climatic zone. Dampness is estimated to affect 10-50% of all indoor environments in North America, Australia, Europe, India, and Japan.
According to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) most Americans spend up to 90% of their time indoors and many spend most of their working hours in an office environment. Environmental studies conducted by the independent scientific groups, EPA and others have shown that indoor air pollutants levels are greater than levels found outside.
What are some types of indoor air pollutants that may affect my building?
· Biological contaminants: the biological contaminants can consist of bacteria, viruses, fungi (mold), dust mite allergen, animal dander, insect biodetritus, fibers and fiberglass, pollen, cockroach allergen, etc… and may result from inadequate maintenance and housekeeping, water spills, inadequate humidity control, condensation, or may be brought into the building by occupants, infiltration, or ventilation air. Allergic responses to indoor biological pollutant exposures cause symptoms in allergic individuals and also play a key role in triggering asthma episodes for an estimated 15 million Americans.
· Chemical pollutants: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are organic chemicals. VOCs are numerous, varied, and ubiquitous. They include both human-made and naturally occurring chemical compounds. Chemical pollutants can include tobacco smoke, emissions from products used in the building (e.g., office equipment; furniture, wall and floor coverings e.g. formaldehyde; and cleaning and consumer products) accidental spill of chemicals, and gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, which are products of combustion.
· Particles. Particles are solid or liquid substances which are light enough to be suspended in the air, the largest (8 microns and greater) of which may be visible in sunbeams streaming into a room are typically non respirable. However, the smaller particles (7 microns and smaller) that you cannot see are likely to be more harmful to health since these are considered respirable. Particles of dust, dirt, or other substances may be drawn into the building from outside and can also be produced by activities that occur in buildings e.g. operation and maintenance practices, housekeeping practices, printing, copying, operating equipment, construction, remodeling, people….
Is establishing baseline IAQ conditions in
my building important?
Yes, as Yogi Berra once said
“if you do know where you are going, you
might not get there?” Indoor air quality is no different. If you don’t know the present IAQ conditions
of your building are and you are having IAQ upgrades performed to enhance your buildings
IAQ then how would you know that you improved those conditions if you didn’t have
a baseline to start with? You wouldn’t.
It is not practical to design a universal guideline fit for all in terms of
exposure and health because immunity varies greatly from individual to
individual. EDLab at Pure Air Control Services performed a 10 year study
analyzing more than 7,000 buildings and over 25,000 environmental samples that
were collected across the United States and abroad. The building type
included both commercial and residential. The majority of samples
analyzed were tested positive for bacteria and fungi.
In this study the average (normal baseline) concentration of
air-borne cultureable (viable) bacteria was 175 CFU (Colony Forming Unit)/m3,
and the fungal concentration in ambient air was recorded at 350 CFU/m3. The
average concentration of non viable air-borne mold/fungal elements was
estimated at approximately 1,000 cts (counts)/ m3. These baseline numbers are
used as a reliable indicator for an expected average disseminated microbial
(bacteria/fungi only) concentrations in today’s modern buildings.
What to do next?
The Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory (EDLab) at Pure Air Control
Services (an AIHA accredited lab and CDC ELITE lab) analyzes a wide array of
environmental microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) including organisms such as
Staphylococcus aureus and Legionella pneumophila. EDLab scientists
identify microorganisms by using various lab techniques. Some common
analysis performed by EDLab to identify microbial conditions include Bio-Scan
and Spore Trap analysis, mycological culturable analysis of air/bulk/surface/swab/liquid
environmental samples among many others. The type of sampling and analysis
performed is determined by project specifications project requirements or
individual needs.
For additional information you can contact Dr. Rajiv Sahay,
Director, EDLab, Pure Air Control Services 1-800-422-7873 ext 303 or visit the
web site at www.pureaircontrols.com.
To discuss a more comprehensive environmental assessment of
your building or home call the credentialed professional indoor environmental
consultants at Pure Air Control Services-Building Sciences team at
800-422-7873, ext. 802.
About Pure Air Control Services:
Alan Wozniak founded Pure Air Control Services, Inc. in 1984
as a small mechanical contracting firm. Today, the firm sets the industry
standard for indoor environmental quality diagnosis and remediation.
Pure Air Control Services nationally performed IAQ services
include: Building Sciences
Evaluation; Building Health Check; EDLab an AIHA accredited Environmental Microbiology
Laboratory; Environmental
Project Management; and HVAC System Cleaning &
Mold Remediation Services, among other indoor environmental
The company’s expanding client roster includes the FAA, Walt
Disney World, Northrop Grumman, General Services Administration (GSA); Allstate
Insurance; USPS, CBRE, Carrier Air Conditioning; NAVFAC, DOT, USACE, US Army,
and many other Fortune 500 companies, school boards, and city, state, and
county governments, making Pure Air Control Services the reliable industry
For more information on Pure Air Control Services, Inc.
please contact Alan Wozniak (800) 422-7873 ext 802 or visit
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