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What are the best Do-It-Yourself IAQ test kits available?

One of the few professional DIY testing manufacturers is Building Health Check, LLC and they are very reliable. You can view their products at or purchase them at Grainger, Sears, Hunter fans or a number of on-line dealers.

Tampa, FL 12/20/2011 12:07:35 AM

Q: My mom is concerned that new cabinets and carpets that were installed in her home are emitting some type of gas. Her home is 30 plus years and has a musty smell when she walks in from the outside. She feels sick most of the time when in her home and better when away form her home.  My mom is on a limited budget though needs to know what’s going on in her home. Can you recommend someone?  – Cyndy, Boston, MA

Testing a home professionally can be pretty expensive though a viable option maybe the DIY testing of her home.

There are many do-it-yourself indoor air-quality testing kits available, though few are helpful. The petri dish type found at many hardware stores are useless since they are basically settling plates and that experiment can be done with a piece of bread.

One of the few professional DIY testing manufacturers is Building Health Check, LLC and they are very reliable.  You can view their products at or purchase them at Grainger, Sears, Hunter fans or a number of on-line dealers.  

One DIY test in particular is the Formaldehyde Screen Check that can determine formaldehyde levels in parts per billion (PPB) and another kit Organic Compound Screen Check that can detect for over 60 chemicals in PPB. The tests vary in type are simple to use and are relatively inexpensive ranging in cost from $25 dollars to a few hundred dollars.  Many physicians are recommending the Mycotox Screen Check that measure mycotoxin levels (toxin producing fungi) in their home or business. Another kit we found very useful was the evalu-aire which provides a mini pump to sample for airborne allergens including molds and surface allergens.

The staff at Building Health Check are professionals with backgrounds in industrial hygienist, microbiology, chemistry, building sciences, medical practitioners and toxicologists who specialize in indoor air quality issues and the lab, EDLab, is an AIHA accredited laboratory.  You can reach them at 1-727-572-4550 ext 404 or visit their web site at  Ask for Cy Garner or Christine Castello as they are very helpful.

Your mom could also ask for advice from the local health department in MA.

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