The Cigar Cork is a patentĀ pending division of J3 USA, LLC, a
registered 100% Veteran Owned Company. The Cigar Cork is one of the most
revolutionary developments to the cigar industry in the past 100 years.
The Cigar Cork is a reĀusable cigar humidification/flavoring system
that stores and humidifies cigars in an airtight pressurized tube
designed to give you years of use. Each closing of the Cigar Cork tube
reseals and pressurizes the tube ensuring an unsurpassed cigar
preservation environment. Each tube can fit up to a 7 x 60 cigar or hold
smaller cigars. If you choose, you can flavor your cigar with your
spirit or beverage of choice by applying a few drops to the moisture
core inside each Cigar Cork top. The Cigar Cork can also be used to
store and transport pipe tobacco or used as a flask with your favorite
liquor. The tubes are made out of high-grade impact resistant acrylic,
so they are sturdy enough for transporting your favorite cigars when
golfing, fishing, heading to dinner, a cigar bar or when going on any
trip. The high quality of each Cigar Cork tube also creates an
impressive presentation platform for any cigar. Place a Cigar Cork tube
and cigar on a dinner table, bar, or pull one out of your pocket on your
next fishing or golf trip and watch the attention they demand.
A variety of packaging and display stand options are available for The
Cigar Cork system. Private label and branding options are also
available for The Cigar Cork system. All cigars sold online at The
Cigar Cork store come packaged in a Cigar Cork tube.