Pacific Telephone Company provides a new type of telephone service for those who want to be in touch with their family members/friend in prison and they do not reside in the area where the inmate is located.
Pacific Telephone charges Network Termination Fees as low as $0.06 per minute, bringing the cost of a 15 minute phone call to $0.12 per minute totaling $1.80; a significant savings over the $0.23 per minute $3.45, 15 minute call rate of the BOP.
When a service is requested from Pacific Telephone Company they install a new (FX) Foreign Exchange phone number on existing home phone line, so that it is a local number to the facility where the inmate is being held. At subscriber end there is no changes and one can make and receive calls from home phone like always.
Pacific Telephone contacts comedian Todd Belger a video spokesman for it line of communications products and services.
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