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Prison Inmate Discount Calling Service By Pacific Telephone

Los Angeles 2/18/2011 8:25:14 AM

Pacific Telephone Company provides a new type of telephone service for those who want to be in touch with their family members/friend in prison and they do not reside in the area where the inmate is located.


Pacific Telephone charges Network Termination Fees as low as $0.06 per minute, bringing the cost of a 15 minute phone call to $0.12 per minute totaling $1.80; a significant savings over the $0.23 per minute $3.45, 15 minute call rate of the BOP. 

When a service is requested from Pacific Telephone Company they install a new (FX) Foreign Exchange phone number on existing home phone line, so that it is a local number to the facility where the inmate is being held. At subscriber end there is no changes and one can make and receive calls from home phone like always.

When the Inmate wishes to call home, the inmate simply calls the new (FX) local telephone number instead of subscriber’s existing number, using his BOP issued (PAC) Personal Access Code. When calling the (FX) number, the inmate is charged a local call Origination Fee of $0.06 per minute by the BOP Inmate Telephone System.

The Inmate's call is routed just as before through the prison's SIS security monitoring facility, where it is recorded like all other calls as required by Bureau of Prisons Program Statement 5264, and out to the local telephone company's central office providing service to the prison.

The local phone company then passes the call to Pacific Telecom’s (ICX) Interexchange carrier's Network Access Point, where it seamlessly connects to ITB's channelized network

trunking system through major exchange access carrier transmission to Pacific Telecom’s Network Hub Points that's closest to subscriber’s home.

The call is then routed from Pacific Telecom’s Network HUB via regular telephone lines to the switch network access point connected to the local phone companies central office near when you live, and rings on the (FX) line installed on the local number in your home.

Call Charges

Pacific Telephone charges Network Termination Fees as low as $0.06 per minute, bringing the cost of a 15 minute phone call to $0.12 per minute totaling $1.80; a significant savings over the $0.23 per minute $3.45, 15 minute call rate of the BOP.

Each month, pre paid accounts are charged $1.25 for every FX Telephone Number (FXTN) assigned to it, plus 6 Cents per minute usage charges on completed calls.

Pacific Telephone FX numbers can be installed to ring on any type of service including cellular, PCS telephone, and home and office telephone systemsUnlike other inmate calling services, whose unused minutes expire at the end of each month, Pacific Telephone Company have no monthly minimum usage charge, and allow our customers to carry over minutes to the subsequent month.

The Pacific Telephone Company™ is registered with the (CAPUC) State of California Public Utilities Commission, Reg. No. #1110; the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission, Reg. No. FRN019494061, collects tariffs as required by the FCC Universal Service Fund and E911 regulations. The numbers we provided by Pacific TelephoneCompany have the option to be configured for global outbound long distance dialing capability to call any number, anywhere in the world if desired.

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