Yoga typically means the union of body mind and spirit involves body postures and poses. The aim is to improve the ability to work with vigour, vitality and pleasure.
- Therapeutic aspect of yoga & exercise is to maintain flexibility, stamina and endurance. It also infuses a sense of well being physically, mentally and spiritually.
- It caters substantial solutions for psycho-somatic disorders.
- It promotes integral personality development.
- It plays a key role in preventing diseases and boosts the quality of life.
- An age old time tested type of lifestyle creates a balance between body and the mind to attain self-enlightenment. Facilitates in:
- Quality job performance
- Learning abilities
- Memory
- Tranquillity & serenity of mind
- concentration
Through disciplined and repeated physical movements; assuring rich blood in circulation, strong bone and muscles, the mental fatigue, meliorated heart function.
- The Department of Yoga and Exercise in HLC focuses on healthy and lively lifestyle through this oldest physical discipline known to humankind to achieve the ultimate goal of spiritual, mental as well physical well being.