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Soul | Official Trailer

Soul What is it that makes you...YOU? This November, Pixar Animation Studios’ all-new feature film “Soul” introduces Joe Gardner (voice of Jamie Foxx) – a middle-school band teacher who gets the chance of a lifetime to play at the best jazz club in town. But one small misstep takes him from the streets of New York City to The Great Before – a fantastical place where new souls get their personalities, quirks, and interests before they go to Earth. Determined to return to his life, Joe teams up with a precocious soul, 22 (voice of Tina Fey), who has never understood the appeal of the human experience. As Joe desperately tries to show 22 what’s great about living, he may just discover the answers to some of life’s most important questions. This looks like it's going to be a good and deep animated movie. This is a movie that I would recommend to see. 

Directors: Pete Docter, Kemp Powers (co-director)

Writers: Pete Docter, Mike Jones 

Stars: Jamie Foxx, Tina Fey, Quest Love 

Runtime:1h 30min 

Rated: PG for thematic elements and some language

Release date: November 20, 2020

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