ZOONOVA.COM – the first and only business and financial mobile web app (patents pending) offering bench-marked cross-asset analytics for stocks, options, bonds, notes, FX, and other fixed income, is pleased to announce the integration of the QUANDL market data API. Zoonova® receives quotes, and data, for stocks, yield curves, options, FX, and more. QUANDL provides access to more than 500 high-quality financial and economic databases via their simple and powerful API.
The user can now create a virtually unlimited number of cross-asset positions and portfolios, using the Zoonova® portfolio modules and dashboard. Using the Quandl data feed, the portfolio analytics allow the user to calculate valuations, p&l, risk, and what-if asset allocation analysis while streamlined calculators calculate the fair market value and risk of individual financial assets. Custom News, video, and market data from hundreds of feeds provide unlimited content and connects the user to world economic, business, and financial events. Picks & Forecasts allow individuals to engage in a community mind-share of ideas, strategies, trends and projections.
The analytics in Zoonova® have been bench-tested by the largest capital markets desks and hedge funds in the world – with comparable analytics found only in expensive and complicated software. And as a cloud-based web application, Zoonova® leverages that power with both adaptive and responsive web design to provide you a consistent but apposite user interface across popular mobile devices supporting HTML 5, CSS 3 and Javascript.
Not only does Zoonova® provide an inimitable view of world business and financial markets for all users, it also provides a solid, powerful platform to analyze them.
our Slideshare at http://www.slideshare.net/BlaiseLabriola/presentation1-26415053
YouTube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP1jmXWPE_5gHYd8SCw7m6w
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZooNova
Patent Pending: http://stks.freshpatents.com/Altaira-Llc-nm1.php?archive=2015
Zoonova®, the Most Comprehensive Finance and Business Web Application, Now Offers Quandl Market Data for Stocks, Options, Yield Curves, and FX. Level the Playing Field.
Released On: 10/22/2015
Views: 1937