Experiencing just one of these can indicate an addiction and if you are wondering if you are an addict or have found this site, you or a loved one is likely faced with addiction – those not impacted by addiction don’t think about their substance use because it isn’t a problem and they wouldn’t be reading this site. The darkness of addiction to drugs or alcohol permeates all aspects of life from personal productivity, to self-care to relationships and health. Unfortunately this continues to manifest and get worse. If the addict continues to do the same things over and over they will undoubtedly get the same increasingly negative results. It is with this in mind that you want to consider the alternative. The alternative is allowing Celebrate Hope to guide you through the foundation of Christianity and recovery. If you or someone you love is ready to walk away from the destructive world of alcoho and drug abuse, Celebrate Hope’s California residential Christian rehab program has helped countless people from around the country conquer substance abuse—and reclaim their lives.