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Employee Engagement Strategies For A Better Work Environment

If the concept of employee engagement
remains rather vague in certain sectors, it is nevertheless very
successful in the field of Management. According to the Aon survey ,
engagement is defined as "the level of psychological investment of the
employee within his organization". It is therefore a question of whether
the employee really cares about the company, and not just about the
benefits that the company could bring to him.

1. Show recognition

Recognition at work
is one of the main motivation levers. It underlines the quality and the
importance of the efforts made by the employees as part of their
contribution to the growth of the company. Recognition at work
highlights the commitment of employees, their contribution, as well as
the risks they take in order to do their job in the best possible way.

the employee's contribution is thus valued, his desire to belong to the
organization increases, which has a positive influence on his
investment in work. So make sure you take the time to congratulate your
employees for their actions, even for small things…

2. Give feedback

Many employee engagement experts
suggest that feedback is the best way to maintain constructive
communication, so it is essential to the management of a team. For a
manager, feedback is an excellent way to help his employees achieve the
objectives set and to set up a follow-up while delegating the work. For
feedback to be beneficial, it must contribute to the learning and
development of employees. Indeed, when you give or receive feedback, the
goal is to strengthen the efficiency of the work. We must therefore
ensure that it is not done in an awkward way, especially when it comes
to pointing out an error, the goal being not to criticize the work of
the other, but to encourage interaction. managerial within a team.

3. Value happiness and well-being at work

The Malakoff Médéric study
on employee health and well-being states that on average we spend a
third of our life at work. It is therefore essential to talk about the
interest of happiness within our company. The Chief Happiness Officers
are also more and more present, and for good reason, 31% of employees
feel "disenchanted" and 61% say they only work for salary.

at work has therefore become a major challenge for managers today. They
must adopt good practices: value freedom of action, speech and
initiative in order to spend more time supporting, not leading. Indeed,
the notion of well-being is not just about installing a table football
on the premises of the company, but indeed to create an environment
favorable to the development of employees.

4. Promote personal development

According to some of the major experts on corporate motivation,
every employee wants to feel that his work and his know-how are
important, while being surrounded by colleagues whom he appreciates.

development within the company is today considered by a large part of
the employees as being an essential criterion of motivation. The
development of the company begins above all with the personal
development of each employee. When an employee is fulfilled at work,
this directly improves their productivity but also their creativity.

personal development of the employee within the company is therefore an
important lever, allowing him to improve his involvement and to
increase his loyalty to the company. Being fulfilled in your work also
brings a certain personal satisfaction which leads to self-confidence;
which makes it possible to break the isolation and thus improve
communication within a team.

Personal development coaching programs are more and more common in companies and this helps keep employees motivated at work!
5. Measure satisfaction

According to Motivation Ping
a disengaged employee would cost his company on average 11,000 euros
per year. Measuring the satisfaction of your employees therefore amounts
to setting up a follow-up allowing an improvement of the brand image of
your company, since the satisfaction of your customers is mainly based
on the satisfaction of your employees.

A company that ensures the
satisfaction of its employees will find a way to keep them engaged in
their work. Indeed, employees who know they are being listened to feel
valued in their work and will therefore be more productive.

6. Turn your employees into ambassadors

goal is to create a good professional environment so that employees
speak positively about the company. Employees who would recommend their
company as a great place to work are more apt to perform more productive
work and be actively engaged within their organization.

often, if an employee becomes an ambassador for his organization, it is
because he thrives there. Otherwise, a disgruntled employee will let
those around him know, which will give the company a rather bad image
and which can cause disengagement from other employees. It is therefore
important to value your employees. Indeed, a committed employee will
want to share his enthusiasm, and in this case, encourage other people
to come and work within the same company.
7. Develop a good relationship between managers and employees

manager's relationship with his employees must be based on constant
communication, mutual respect and trust. Very often, this relationship
can be the basis of many dissatisfactions, often linked to the manager's
need to manage his team. Indeed, the establishment of a hierarchical
organization can create tensions when roles are misinterpreted.

manager is not only there to give orders, on the contrary, he must
develop the performance of his team by motivating his employees, he must
be able to listen to his team and know how to take their team into
account. reviews, their ideas on the company's development strategies.
The main goal is to gain their trust in order to be sure of their
commitment and then be able to delegate the work. Indeed, trusting your
employee by delegating assignments allows you to enhance your
initiative; and therefore his commitment and motivation within the

8. Cultivate good understanding among colleagues

to the Tissot editions survey carried out by Opinion Way, 70% of
employees say that having friends at work is an essential element to
their well-being within a company. Generally speaking, when colleagues
get along well, communication and production improve.

employees, it is necessary to cultivate friendly relations within their
company. Generally speaking, a person with a friend within their company
feels a connection, a stronger commitment to their employer. Being
surrounded by a friend at work is beneficial for personal development
and Quality of Life at Work.
9. Respect the values ​​of the organization

organization (from the largest multinationals to the youngest
start-ups) must uphold the principles it advocates. The values ​​of a
company are fundamental and form the basis of management. Often, these
values ​​represent real added value for the company, thus highlighting
the relationship between individuals, motivation and employee
development. Applicants are often motivated by the principles to which
it adheres.

So make sure that your employees understand and
respect the values ​​of the company, this helps develop their sense of
belonging and therefore improve their commitment to the company.

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