Hydro Dynamics, Inc. (HDI) of Rome, Georgia would like to announce on Saturday, March 2, 2013, its ShockWave Power Reactor (SPR) technology won the “Targa Beltrami 2013”, a prestigious prize for the innovation in technical equipment for energy production from renewable sources. The award was presented to Three-Es (www.biospr.it), HDI’s Italian based European partner, for its efforts related to biogas as part of the FIERA BioEnergy exhibition in Cremona, Italy. In biogas our extensive lab/pilot work have shown gas yield increases over 20%, decreased retention time and better feedstock flexibility. A commercial trial is currently ongoing at a 1 MW biogas plant in Italy showing excellent initial results. Marco Soldo, proprietor of Three-Es, commented on the interest in the technology at the exhibition saying, “We are very satisfied because all our work and efforts has been paid with a great success and we had a huge influx. We collected more than 150 potential new contacts.”
The SPR is especially well suited for biogas and other biofuels. The company is already an industry leader in biodiesel reactors, commercializing its first biodiesel reactor in 2005 and has since sold over 450 million gallons/year in capacity. In ethanol the SPR provides substantial yield increase with single reactors capable of handling 2,000 gpm, handling most plants in a single SPR. To learn more about our biofuel efforts please see our alternative energy page (http://hydrodynamics.com/markets/alternative-energy/).
Anchor Brewing Purchases ShockWave Xtractor™ Hop Extraction Technology from Hydro Dynamics
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Hydro Dynamics Launches Cavitation Blog
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Hydro Dynamics Becomes Hops Museum Partner to Help Promote Apowave Hop Extraction Technology
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First ShockWave Power Liquor Accelerated Aging Cavitation System to be Installed at White River Distillers
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ApoWave Hop Extraction Cavitation System to be Installed at Roak Brewing Co.
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Hydro Dynamics, Inc. Selected as a 2016 Atlanta Metro Export Challenge Semi-Finalist
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First ApoWave Hop Extraction Cavitation System to be Installed at Witch’s Hat Brewing Company
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ApoWave Cavitation Processed Beer Wins Silver Medal in Inaugural Savannah ‘Merica’s Mug Competition
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ApoWave Hop Extraction Technology Marketing Blitz Launched
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Swire Water Solutions and Hydro Dynamics successfully complete Water Heating Pilot Test.
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Hop Extraction Technology Using Hydro Dynamics Cavitation to be Presented at Master Brewers Association Conference.
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Play The Hydro Dynamics 2015 NFL Survivor Challenge Its Free
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Cavitation in the Virtual World? Hydro Dynamics, Inc Advertises its SPR in Second Life.
Released On: 7/17/2015
Views: 5730
Hydro Dynamics, Inc. has launched a new marketing campaign encouraging engineers to upgrade their reactors when technology improves like they do their offices.
Released On: 6/26/2015
Views: 5355
Hydro Dynamics, Inc. (HDI) announces it has renewed its sponsorship of the Olmscheid Racing US Ethanol race car for the 2015 season. HDI is the manufacturer of the ShockWave Power Reactor with several ethanol industry applications.
Released On: 6/22/2015
Views: 7990
Hydro Dynamics, Inc. (HDI) of Rome, Georgia (www.hydrodynamics.com) would like to announce on Saturday, March 2, 2013, its ShockWave Power Reactor (SPR) technology won the “Targa Beltrami 2013”, a prestigious prize for the innovation in technical ...
Released On: 3/26/2013
Views: 11250
Hydro Dynamics, Inc. (HDI) of Rome, Georgia (http://www.hydrodynamics.com) would like to announce that is has created a new corporate logo changing the coloration of its “cavitation bubble swirl” to incorporate the color green.
Released On: 3/25/2013
Views: 5978