Hydro Dynamics, Inc. (HDI) of Rome, Georgia would like to announce that is has created a new cavitation themed blog. The blog will contain fun facts about cavitation, company happenings and random facts related to its business areas. HDI looks forward to using its blog to make customers aware of news that perhaps isn’t press release worthy, but fun and interesting to followers of the company and its ShockWave Power cavitation technology. Please visit the blog at www.hydrodynamics.com/blog. A sample entry is below:
Shock Wave in Space!
Mar 22, 2016
Browsing CNN today we saw an article about a shock wave captured from an exploding star or supernova! These first ever visible light images were captured by the Kepler space telescope. It's called a "shock breakout" and lasted about 20 minutes and came from 1.2 billion light years away from a star about 500x the size of our sun. The actual images themselves aren't too impressive, but heck, it's 7,054,350,447,800,001,512,464 miles away, what can you expect? Shockwaves are indeed everywhere in our universe!
Video Description
The brilliant flash of an exploding star’s shockwave—what astronomers call the “shock breakout” -- is illustrated in this video animation. The cartoon video begins with a view of a red supergiant star that is 500 hundred times bigger and 20,000 brighter than our sun. When the star’s internal furnace can no longer sustain nuclear fusion its core to collapses under gravity. A shockwave from the implosion rushes upward through the star’s layers. The shockwave initially breaks through the star’s visible surface as a series of finger-like plasma jets. Only 20 minute later the full fury of the shockwave reaches the surface and the doomed star blasts apart as a supernova explosion. This animation is based on photometric observations made by NASA’s Kepler space telescope. By closely monitoring the star KSN 2011d, located 1.2 billion light-years away, Kepler caught the onset of the early flash and subsequent explosion. Credit: NASA Ames, STScI/G. Bacon
About Hydro Dynamics
Hydro Dynamics is the developer of a patented cavitation process intensification technology called the ShockWave Power Reactor (SPR), enabling customers to solve critical mixing, extraction and heating problems. Reactors are operating on four continents with well-known customers in applications as diverse as biodiesel to extracting flavor from hops for beer. The ShockWave Power Reactor allows customers to significantly decrease costs and increase profits, often with environmental and safety benefits. Learn more at http://www.hydrodynamics.com.
Anchor Brewing Purchases ShockWave Xtractor™ Hop Extraction Technology from Hydro Dynamics
Released On: 2/23/2017
Views: 4523
Hydro Dynamics Launches Cavitation Blog
Released On: 3/24/2016
Views: 6849
Hydro Dynamics Becomes Hops Museum Partner to Help Promote Apowave Hop Extraction Technology
Released On: 3/10/2016
Views: 7722
First ShockWave Power Liquor Accelerated Aging Cavitation System to be Installed at White River Distillers
Released On: 2/8/2016
Views: 7034
ApoWave Hop Extraction Cavitation System to be Installed at Roak Brewing Co.
Released On: 1/29/2016
Views: 6364
Hydro Dynamics, Inc. Selected as a 2016 Atlanta Metro Export Challenge Semi-Finalist
Released On: 1/26/2016
Views: 7260
First ApoWave Hop Extraction Cavitation System to be Installed at Witch’s Hat Brewing Company
Released On: 12/3/2015
Views: 6290
ApoWave Cavitation Processed Beer Wins Silver Medal in Inaugural Savannah ‘Merica’s Mug Competition
Released On: 11/24/2015
Views: 6147
ApoWave Hop Extraction Technology Marketing Blitz Launched
Released On: 10/30/2015
Views: 6060
Swire Water Solutions and Hydro Dynamics successfully complete Water Heating Pilot Test.
Released On: 10/15/2015
Views: 5510
Hop Extraction Technology Using Hydro Dynamics Cavitation to be Presented at Master Brewers Association Conference.
Released On: 9/17/2015
Views: 5467
Play The Hydro Dynamics 2015 NFL Survivor Challenge Its Free
Released On: 9/11/2015
Views: 7943
Cavitation in the Virtual World? Hydro Dynamics, Inc Advertises its SPR in Second Life.
Released On: 7/17/2015
Views: 5730
Hydro Dynamics, Inc. has launched a new marketing campaign encouraging engineers to upgrade their reactors when technology improves like they do their offices.
Released On: 6/26/2015
Views: 5355
Hydro Dynamics, Inc. (HDI) announces it has renewed its sponsorship of the Olmscheid Racing US Ethanol race car for the 2015 season. HDI is the manufacturer of the ShockWave Power Reactor with several ethanol industry applications.
Released On: 6/22/2015
Views: 7990
Hydro Dynamics, Inc. (HDI) of Rome, Georgia (www.hydrodynamics.com) would like to announce on Saturday, March 2, 2013, its ShockWave Power Reactor (SPR) technology won the “Targa Beltrami 2013”, a prestigious prize for the innovation in technical ...
Released On: 3/26/2013
Views: 11249
Hydro Dynamics, Inc. (HDI) of Rome, Georgia (http://www.hydrodynamics.com) would like to announce that is has created a new corporate logo changing the coloration of its “cavitation bubble swirl” to incorporate the color green.
Released On: 3/25/2013
Views: 5978