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Pure Air Control Services Named Gulf Coast Business Reviews Top 500 Companies

Pure Air Control Services performs indoor air quality (IAQ) services nationally and includes the following services: Building Sciences Evaluation/Building Health Check; Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory (EDLab) an AIHA accredited microbiology laboratory; Environmental Project Management; Duct Cleaning & Mold Remediation Services, PURE-Steam Coil Cleaning, among other indoor environmental services.
Released On: 15/08/2012
Views: 3050

The Dangers of Formaldehyde in Buildings and Homes

Sources of formaldehyde in the home include building materials, pressed wood products (hardwood plywood wall paneling, particleboard, or fiberboard) and furniture made with these pressed wood products. Urea-formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI), combustion sources and environmental tobacco smoke. Durable press drapes, other textiles, and glues.
Released On: 09/08/2012
Views: 4745

Are all Black Molds Harmful or Toxic?

Taxonomically, fungi are a group of Eukaryotic organisms placed under the lower group of the plant kingdom. These organisms are devoid of chlorophyll and their cell wall is made up of chitin and glucans. They are heterotropts.
Released On: 08/08/2012
Views: 6059

Carrier Introduces Compact Performance™ Air Purifier

Based on the popular Infinity® air purifier platform with Captures & Kills™ technology introduced in 2006, the Performance air purifier is significantly smaller in size, with a narrow cabinet of only 7 ¼ inches (18 cm) wide and an air filter only 2 ½ inches (6.4 cm) wide.
Released On: 04/08/2012
Views: 4356

Debby’s Floodwaters Appeared Fast Though Recovery from Mold Continues to Grow

Flood water can be very toxic and may contain a number of harmful microorganisms such as viruses, mycoplasma, bacteria, protozoa, molds and other detrimental remains of biological and a-biological pollutants
Released On: 25/07/2012
Views: 6227

Microorganisms in Today’s Modern Buildings: A Concern for Health and Hygiene

Irritation/toxic reactions, allergy or hypersensitivity, beside systemic infections are common upon the exposure of indoor microorganisms
Released On: 25/07/2012
Views: 6661

PURE-Steam Coil Cleaning Program Provides Unique Energy Savings for Clients

Because the PURE-Steam Coil Cleaning program is totally GREEN (NO CHEMICALS) students, school staff and visitors don’t have to worry about potential dangerous chemicals or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) entering into the air or water system.
Released On: 24/07/2012
Views: 4053

Can Reduced Maintenance Budgets Impact IAQ?

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) asthma is a disease that affects your lungs. It causes repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing.
Released On: 17/07/2012
Views: 7307

Mycotoxins a Toxic Health Hazard

Mold toxins, e.g. Trichothecens Mycotoxins, in buildings damaged by moisture are considerably more prevalent than was previously thought, according to new international research.
Released On: 12/07/2012
Views: 6192

EDLab Has Microbiologist/Mycologist/Aerobiologist Positions Available

The Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory (EDLab) at Pure Air Control Services (PACS) offers complete and comprehensive indoor environmental laboratory services. They include: microbiology, aerobiology, allergen assays and microscopy designed to meet all your indoor air needs.
Released On: 12/07/2012
Views: 5052

ASHRAE Legionella Standard 188 Aims at Prevention

“Up to 70% of all buildings greater than three stories in the US may be contaminated with legionella" stated Dr Victor Yu
Released On: 11/07/2012
Views: 7070

Post Tropical Storm Debby Aftermath …. Bacteria & Mold Here We Grow Again

The key to biological control is moisture control. It is important to dry water damaged areas and items within 24-48 hours to prevent mold growth.
Released On: 03/07/2012
Views: 3261

DIY IAQ Test Kits Available to Tropical Storm Debby Flood Victims

The receding flood waters are typically tainted with sewage and other toxins. Flood water is toxic and may contain a number of harmful microorganisms such as viruses, mycoplasma, bacteria, protozoa, molds and other detrimental remains of biological and a-biological pollutants.
Released On: 02/07/2012
Views: 4642

MRSA – A Hidden Common Cause of Infection

Antibiotics do not technically cause a resistance, but can allow it to happen by creating a situation where an already existing variant can flourish. More and more organisms develop resistance to more and more drugs.
Released On: 27/06/2012
Views: 6378

Mold Coloration and Toxicity: What do you need to know?

The production of toxins is highly influenced by the nature of metabolites produced by the mold and others factors including environmental conditions.
Released On: 21/06/2012
Views: 4170

Health Watch: Formaldyhyde Settlement

The settlement with the manufacturer of Brazilian Blowout products requires the company to warn consumers and hair stylists that two of its hair smoothing products emit formaldehyde gas, which is known to cause cancer in humans.
Released On: 12/06/2012
Views: 5101

Legionellosis Outbreak in Edinburgh Takes its Toll

Legionnaires’ disease is a severe form of pneumonia. It is usually caused by breathing in the mist from hot tubs, showers or air conditioning units, cooling towers contaminated by Legionella. Symptoms include fever, chills, muscle aches and a high fever. It usually develops 2 to 14 days after exposure
Released On: 11/06/2012
Views: 6852

CDC Reports Asthma Rates on the Rise affecting 24.6 Million Americans, Costing $53 Billion

Along with the asthma incident rates rising so are the costs, from $53 billion in 2002 to about $56 billion in 2007, for a 6% increase.
Released On: 06/06/2012
Views: 4259


Pure Air Control, Services, Inc.

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Pure Air Control, Services, Inc.

  • 4911 Creekside Drive
    Clearwater, Florida 33760
    United States
  • 1 (800) 422-7873