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IAQ Test Kits (DIY), PURE-Steam Coil Cleaning and PURE-Decon Room Treatment Showcased at the Annual FRACCA Conference

This annual event provides an opportunity for licensed contractors throughout the State of Florida to obtain all 14 state-required hours of continuing education over the course of the two-day event.
Released On: 08/03/2014
Views: 4301

Free Legionella Webinar: Detection & Identification Workshop

Legionnaires' disease (LEE-juh-nares) is caused by Legionella bacteria. The bacteria got its name in 1976, when many people who went to a Philadelphia convention of the American Legion suffered from an outbreak of this disease, a type of pneumonia (lung infection).
Released On: 04/03/2014
Views: 4142

Why Some High-Performance Buildings Are Failing?

To successfully operate a high-performance building today in a high-performance fashion it requires ever-increasing expertise and education.
Released On: 19/02/2014
Views: 4175

Legionnaire’s – What You Should Know About The Potential Deadly Bacteria

According to Building Operating Management magazine, expert Victor Yu, MD, Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh; Chief, Infectious Disease Section, VA Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, disclosed that “Up to 70% of all buildings greater than three stories in the US may be contaminated with legionella.”
Released On: 18/02/2014
Views: 3733

Managing of Indoor Environments: Problems and Solutions - IEQ WEBINAR

The benefits of proactively addressing the indoor environment can save you money, time and a lot of aggravation.
Released On: 22/01/2014
Views: 3627

Save Energy and Improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) with PURE-Steam Deep Coil Cleaning

The PURE-Steam Coil Cleaning program introduces a chemical free coil cleaning process called PURE-Steam Coil Cleaning a safe and effective cleaning process used to save energy and create a healthy learning environment for students, school staff and visitors
Released On: 08/01/2014
Views: 6405

January is National Radon Action Month

EPA estimates that about 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the U.S. are radon-related.
Released On: 08/01/2014
Views: 4064

Why indoor air quality is important to all of us?

Yogi Berra once said “if you do know where you are going, you might not get there?” Indoor air quality is no different.
Released On: 31/12/2013
Views: 4107

Pure Air Control Services Launches New Interactive Website

The new website offers a contemporary look and streamlined user experience. It features enhanced indoor environmental resources and functionality designed exclusively for the indoor environmental quality end user.
Released On: 20/12/2013
Views: 3121

Pure Air Control Services Awarded Certification from Doctor Trusted

The Doctor Trusted review process involves predetermined criteria that include fair pricing and return criteria, reasonable medical claims, easy-to-locate customer service and protection of sensitive customer data, among others.
Released On: 11/12/2013
Views: 4057 Receives Seal of Approval by Doctor Trusted, a group of qualified professionals who ensure health and fitness products are up to snuff, has approved and its do-it-yourself indoor air quality test kit product line for both consumers and businesses.
Released On: 04/12/2013
Views: 4483

PURE-Decon/Sanosil, Reduces Sick Days Caused by Infection

The FHEA will be looking ahead to anticipate how future trends in the delivery of health care will impact the design, construction and indoor air quality (IAQ) of facilities.
Released On: 02/10/2013
Views: 3415

Controlling Asthma & Allergy Triggers Through Source Identification

Allergens or irritants such as mold, smoke, dust, dust mite, cat & cockroach allergen or pollen can cause the airways to become inflamed and narrow.
Released On: 18/09/2013
Views: 5507

Hospitals Get a “Clean Bill of Health” with Innovative IAQ/Energy Solutions

Keeping a pristine HVAC system and evaporator coil has done wonders in improving hospital IAQ and improving energy savings
Released On: 31/07/2013
Views: 4539

How Safe is Formaldehyde in our Buildings and Homes?

Formaldehyde, a colorless, pungent-smelling gas, can cause watery eyes, burning sensations in the eyes and throat, nausea, and difficulty in breathing in some humans exposed at elevated levels (above 0.1 parts per million).
Released On: 17/07/2013
Views: 4787

Commercial Energy Solutions Seminar July 26, 2013

Who Should Attend: Facility Managers, Building Contractors, Air Conditioning Contractors, Engineers, Architects, Risk Managers, Building Supervisors, General Contractors, and those in the construction industry
Released On: 11/07/2013
Views: 4861

Health Risks Associated With Indoor Microbes

Indoor allergens are biological or chemical agents which usually cause allergenic reactions in susceptible individuals.
Released On: 26/06/2013
Views: 6033

Aspergillosis: A Cause for Indoor Concerns?

A report published in the Aspergillus Website Newsletter - September 2012 reveals that it is one of the top four misdiagnosed conditions with deadly consequences.
Released On: 19/06/2013
Views: 10702


Pure Air Control, Services, Inc.

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Pure Air Control, Services, Inc.

  • 4911 Creekside Drive
    Clearwater, Florida 33760
    United States
  • 1 (800) 422-7873