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Understanding Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

The term "indoor air quality" (IAQ), interpreted broadly, refers to the environmental characteristics inside buildings that may affect human health, comfort, or work performance.
Released On: 19/05/2011
Views: 5365

OSHA Hazard Alert of Formaldehyde in some Hair Smoothing Products

An inexpensive screening device to monitor for formaldehyde in the workplace is the Formaldehyde Screen Check (FCS) manufactured by Building Health Check and available Grainger’s, Sears, Carrier/Bryant dealers, on-line dealers or at or call 1-800-422-78783 ext. 404.
Released On: 19/05/2011
Views: 5034

Marco Andretti, Bryant and Building Health Check Showcased at Indy 500

Today, Building Health Check provides a comprehensive line of DIY indoor quality test kits, testing equipment for both the business owner and consumer.
Released On: 18/05/2011
Views: 6275

Bedbugs with 'superbug' germ found

Bedbugs have not been known to spread disease, and there's no clear evidence that the five bedbugs found on the patients or their belongings had spread the MRSA germ they were carrying or a second less dangerous drug-resistant bacteria.
Released On: 13/05/2011
Views: 3187

Mississippi River Flooding Carries Health Risks

With the flood waters continuing to cascade down the Mississippi River, expanding its normal horizons, we don’t know final extent of flooding though what we do know is that flood waters can have catastrophic effects on the health and safety of both residents and business owners in the regions.
Released On: 13/05/2011
Views: 5433

Can Deferred Maintenance be a Reason Asthma Rates have Jumped Sharply in U.S.?

Wozniak's team “found a direct correlation between a decrease in maintenance or deferred maintenance and an increase is occupant complaints.”
Released On: 07/05/2011
Views: 3947

Asthma triggers affects nearly 25 million people in the U.S

Although there is no cure for asthma yet, asthma can be controlled through medical treatment and management of environmental triggers.
Released On: 04/05/2011
Views: 4687

Answers to Pollen Allergies

Americans suffer from allergy symptoms and at least 10% of the world population suffers from pollen allergy alone. According to US Center for Disease Control and Prevention there are nearly 25 million people suffer from asthma. Pollen allergy may also lead to food allergy.
Released On: 26/04/2011
Views: 5599

Clean Coils Save University $800K

Using superheated steam to clean their heat exchangers (heating and cooling coils) utilizing the Pure-Steam process made it possible to effectively remove dust and associated biofilm lodged deep in the fins.
Released On: 18/04/2011
Views: 5092

Poor IAQ Prevention Highlights National Healthy Schools Day

The building scientists at Pure Air Control Services provides schools across the nation with superior IAQ Testing services helping create Healthy Learning Environments
Released On: 15/04/2011
Views: 3975

Free 2011 Florida Expo Passes & Free Seminar: Indoor Air Quality Testing, When, Where, How and Why?

Attendees will come to understand how poor indoor air quality can effect our health; when it becomes necessary to consider IAQ testing; where one should do the actual testing within the contaminated structure; how the various testing procedures are done and how much they cost; and finally why do we test.
Released On: 15/04/2011
Views: 3426

Pure-Steam, the Economical Choice for Coil Cleaning is Chemical Free, Totally GREEN & Saves Energy

“If you are not filtering/cleaning the HVAC systems air, then your lungs are the filter.”
Released On: 15/04/2011
Views: 5454

Dateline NBC's Report on Duct Cleaning Scam Educates Buyers

Released On: 02/02/2011
Views: 6300

This Sunday: Dateline NBC & BBB Warn Against Air Duct Scams

NBC describes it as: Dateline presents a compelling new franchise, "The Hansen Files." With the help of the Better Business Bureau, Reporter Chris Hansen and Dateline's hidden cameras uncover secrets and scams-- taking a special look into a nationwide ring of air duct cleaning companies.
Released On: 29/01/2011
Views: 4233

Can Moisture/Water Damage to your Structure be Hazardous to Your Health?

Understanding the categories of moisture/water damage is the first step in getting your home or building back to normal conditions.
Released On: 30/10/2010
Views: 5018

PureLiner – The Drain Pan Protection System that Improves IAQ & Saves Money

PureLiner the drain pan protection system fixes worn out rusted drain pans at a fraction of the cost of replacement.
Released On: 12/10/2010
Views: 5013

House Dust Allergen: A Growing Health Concern

Released On: 18/09/2010
Views: 4716

Pure Air Control Services Awarded $5M GSA Service Contract

The firm provides comprehensive indoor environmental and energy solutions that deliver best value to federal governments (includes city, county and state governments federal disaster projects).
Released On: 23/08/2010
Views: 3754


Pure Air Control, Services, Inc.

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Pure Air Control, Services, Inc.

  • 4911 Creekside Drive
    Clearwater, Florida 33760
    United States
  • 1 (800) 422-7873