The Cigar Cork and the Sosa Cigar brand are pleased to announce the launch of the world’s first online cigar store featuring the patent pending Cigar Cork humidification and flavoring tubes.
The Cigar Cork system uses a patent pending commercial grade acrylic tube that is pressurized and sealed automatically with each use, creating an ideal environment to preserve, transport and display cigars. Inside the reusable Cigar Cork tubes is a moisture core that can be used to humidify cigars, eliminating the need to store cigars in a humidor. For those wishing to infuse flavor into their cigars he moisture core inside each Cigar Cork tube can also have liquor added to it, such as rum, cognac, tequila, whiskey, Jack Daniels, or other flavoring agents of choice.
Each Cigar Cork tube is made of commercial grade acrylic so it is shatter resistant and can be used to safely transport cigars. Cigar Cork tubes are made to handle most all sizes of cigars and can accommodate cigars up to 7 inches in length and 60 ring gauge or smaller. Cigar Cork tubes are also able to store, preserve and humidify loose tobacco making them ideal for pipe smokers.
The Cigar Cork system is owned by J3 USA, LLC, a registered 100% Veteran Owned Company founded by three U.S. Army veterans; James Dupuis, Jack Mosher, and John Brier. A portion of each Cigar Cork sale is donated to designated non-profit veterans organizations.
Antillian Cigars, owners of the famous Sosa Cigar brand out of Miami, are the exclusive distributor of The Cigar Cork System in the U.S. As part of the partnership between Sosa Cigars and The Cigar Cork the world’s first Cigar Cork online store has been launched at Cigar lovers can shop from over 60 different types of Sosa brand cigars, each of which comes packaged in a reusable Cigar Cork humidification and flavoring tube. This unique online experience allows cigar lovers to select individual cigars of their choice as opposed to having to buy a box or bundle of a specific cigar brand. Cigar shoppers are also able to choose from 6 different flavoring profiles for each cigar, allowing them to have their cigars infused with a flavoring of choice via the Cigar Cork system’s flavoring option.
A short YouTube video that explains how The Cigar Cork system works can be viewed online at this link .“Never before in the history of cigar shopping have consumers been able to experience this sort of selection and packaging options with an online cigar store,” said Arby Sosa, President of Antillian Cigars. “We are excited to be bringing The Cigar Cork system to the U.S. market, and excited to have our Sosa cigars available for purchase at,” added Sosa.
In addition to Cigar Cork humidification tubes and Sosa cigars shoppers can also select from various Cigar Cork accessories, including many hand made wooden stands and display boxes crafted in Maine by a master woodworker. Another innovative aspect of the Cigar Cork online store is the Cigar Cork Cigar Club. The Cigar Club features four different membership levels and allows consumers to set up automatic monthly delivery of different premium Sosa cigars delivered automatically with each cigar packaged inside a Cigar Cork humidification and flavoring tube. Cigar Cork Club memberships are available for individual purchase or as gifts for others. For more information visit .
For wholesale inquires and distribution opportunities for The Cigar Cork System in the U.S. contact Sosa Cigars at . For International distribution opportunities contact The Cigar Cork at .
About The Cigar Cork:The Cigar Cork is a registered trademark of J3 USA, LLC and is patent-pending. J3 USA, LLC is a 100% Veteran Owned Company based in Maine, USA.
About Sosa Cigars:
Sosa Cigars is owned by The Antillian Cigar Company based out of Miami, Florida. Sosa cigars are a multi-generational family owned premium cigar company that originated in Cuba. Sosa cigars are all hand made by skilled craftsman.
The patent pending Cigar Cork humidification and flavoring tubes are available for purchase at with over 300 different flavor profiles through an exclusive partnership with the Sosa Cigar brand.
Released On: 12/10/2014
Views: 6823