Jeff Kagan is a stroke survivor and has written a new book titled, Stroke Recovery Stories: Humorous and Inspiring Stories Told By Stroke Survivors and the People Who Love Them.
He wrote this new book to help other stroke survivors gain a better understanding of what happened, what’s coming next and the path toward recovery.
Stroke Recovery Stories, highlights other stroke survivors in their journey toward recovery. This book is written by Jeff Kagan and several other stroke survivors contribute their own stories. Each survivor wrote their own chapter to tell their story of their journey toward recovery.
“New stroke survivors don’t understand what happened or what’s coming next. They don’t understand how long it will take to see recovery and what to expect. That was my problem as I went through my long recovery process and that is the same story I hear from countless other stroke survivors.” Says Jeff Kagan.
“So I wanted to help and that’s why I wrote this new book. To help other stroke survivors.” Says Kagan.
David Ober, MD, Chief of Neurology at Nyack Hospital wrote the Special Introduction. Dr. Ober tells the reader what everyone involved with stroke needs to know from a medical perspective. After reading this you will have a much better understanding of stroke and the long journey to recovery.
“The purpose of this book is to have the reader learn from others. Think of this book like a support session where everyone sit’s in a room and gets a chance to tell their story and the lessons they learned in order to help others. That’s what I wanted to accomplish. I hope we did just that.” Says Kagan.
“I am very happy that ever since my book went on sale last week, I have received emails from other stroke survivors who want to tell their story as well.” Says Kagan.
May is National Stroke Awareness Month. Stroke is something that happens to 750,000 American’s every year. Actually tens of millions of Americans are affected when you consider family and friends, and multiple years of recovery, and much more than that worldwide.
Visit Kindle web site and take a free preview look at this new book.
About Jeff Kagan
Author Jeff Kagan is a stroke survivor for ten years.
He speaks at meetings on stroke and the remarkable power of the brain to improve our lives and to recovery from the most serious of injuries.
To schedule discuss having Kagan speak at your meeting, please contact him by email or phone to discuss.
As an industry analyst over 25 years Jeff Kagan shares his opinion and views on companies, technologies and competition. He offers comment to reporters as they contact him on the stories they are working on. He writes weekly columns. He writes daily press releases. He give speeches at industry meetings and conferences.
Reporters: contact Jeff Kagan by phone or email.
Contact: Jeff Kagan by email at jeff(at)jeffKAGAN(dot)com or by phone at 770-579-5810.
Visit his website: at to learn more.
Twitter: Follow him at @jeffkagan
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