Wireless Analyst Jeff Kagan begins writing a weekly column on RCR Wireless, May 15, 2015. RCRWireless.com is a news organization focusing on the wireless industry.
As an Analyst and consultant for more than 25 years, Kagan will focus on companies, technologies, competition, the changing marketplace, who’s hot, who’s not, why and what’s coming next.
Kagan follows the communications technology space including wireless, wire line telecom, Internet, Cable TV, IPTV, VoIP, the Internet of Things or IoT and much more.
He has been quoted in and has written tens of thousands of articles, news stories and columns over the last 25 years. Jeff Kagan has become one of the single most often-quoted industry analysts in wireless and telecom.
RCR Wireless Managing Editor Sean Kinney, “RCR Wireless News is proud to welcome noted analyst and thought leader Jeff Kagan to our editorial team. Jeff’s deep knowledge of the industry and years of experience will further our goal of being your go-to source for telecom news and insights."
“I have followed and commented on wireless over the last several decades. As an industry analyst I have followed RCR Wireless for years, and have developed a strong respect for the work they do. I look forward to writing a weekly column, and to sharing my thoughts and opinions.” Says Jeff Kagan.
The first Jeff Kagan column with RCR Wireless is titled, Kagan: As Wireless Industry Evolves, So Must Carriers
This first column discusses how the wireless industry is beginning another great transformation. How some companies are winning and others are struggling, but how everything will change over the next few years.
The column discusses the Wave of Change that every company must ride in order to succeed. How some companies are on the growth side of the wave and others are on the falling side of the same wave.
Read more of this column by clicking here:
About Jeff Kagan
Jeff Kagan is a wireless analyst, telecom industry analyst, technology industry analyst, consultant, columnist, author, keynote speaker and futurist.
Companies may contact Jeff Kagan to discuss setting up an analyst briefing or to explore becoming a consulting client so Kagan can follow them more closely.
To schedule a paid briefing of your company, products and services with Jeff Kagan, please contact him by email or phone to discuss.
Over 25 years Jeff Kagan shares his opinion and views on companies, technologies and competition.
- He offers comment to reporters as they contact him on the stories they are working on.
- He writes weekly columns.
- He writes daily press releases.
- He gives speeches at industry meetings and conferences.
Kagan discusses the changing industry. To see where we have come from, where we are today, where we are going tomorrow and why.
As a consultant he shares his opinions with clients and listens to their briefings and announcements.
He follows wireless, telecom, Internet, cable television, IPTV, Communications Technology, Mobile Pay, Cloud, Internet of Things or IoT, M2M and more.
Kagan is known as a key influencer in influence marketing.
He has been called Wireless Analyst, Telecom Analyst, Telecom Industry Analyst, Technology Analyst, Tech Analyst, Cloud Analyst, Smartphone Analyst, Health Tech Analyst, Communications Technology Analyst and Principal Analyst.
Speeches: Topics including The Future of Wireless and Telecom, State of the Industry, challenges and opportunities, changing technology, competition, services, winners and losers, why and what we can expect going forward.
Reporters: Jeff Kagan sends comments by email to reporters and the media. If you would like to be added to this email list please send request by email.
Contact: Jeff Kagan by email at jeff(at)jeffKAGAN(dot)com or by phone at 770-579-5810.
Visit his website: at jeffKAGAN.com to learn more.
Twitter: Follow him at @jeffkagan
Wireless Analyst and consultant Jeff Kagan starts writing new weekly column for RCR Wireless starting May 15, 2015. He will write about the changing wireless industry, wireless competitors and changing wireless technologies. Kagan likes to write ...
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