The Green Business League is already a well-known American program for credible Green business certification. The popularity of this program has expanded into Canada, South Africa, Puerto Rico, Malaysia, and Mexico. As Central and South American countries now emerge as international economic partners, the ability to develop environmental infrastructure should not be neglected. The Green Business League hopes to pioneer their Green business certification program as an adaptable program that is ready-made for nearly any kind of business application.
Recently Kurt Morrow and R Michael Richmond visits Cartagena, Columbia and San Jose, Puerto Rico to promote the inclusion of Green business practices. Greg Seymour leads the program in South Africa with growing success. This is done in the belief that this is the perfect time to engage environmental programming. The growth of business should run free without the Green and sustainable components that provide the balance we all realize as critical to our world.
R Michael Richmond will be visiting Lima, Peru to work with your Peruvian director, Lorena Muro. Lorena is a talented business woman and a Peruvian national. During the week of November 14-20, there is the opportunity to meet with valued governmental and business leaders to encourage the adoption of Green business practices according to a national and international standard.
A new Spanish website has been established to broaden the GBL appeal ( will flow the very popular Green Business League format. Admittedly, this is a new venture, but a project that deserves immediate attention. The best time to instill any environmental program is early in the cycle. In other countries, environmental programs take on the nature of a retrofit; but in new businesses and new industries, the changes can be part of the overall program.
Those wishing to contact Lorena Muro in Peru should contact her at (lorena(at) or at
In fact, the expectation is that this software will reach more than 100,000 businesses across America. With about 350 consultants, the next stage of development is obvious. There is a need to establish agencies across the country to serve the b ...
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Those that know how to make business happen are some of the sharpest people on earth. When others see trash, they see treasure. When others are selling, they are buying. The ability to see the opportunity is what will catch the eye of the new ...
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A new system for Green business development will premier on January 1st, 2011. This is one of those quantum leaps that will change whole communities and make a big difference in our level of environmental commitment.
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El programa de La Liga de Negocios Verde estamos orgullosos de anunciar y celebrar una abertura magnifica en Suramérica con una visita en Lima, Perú. Lorena Muro está certificada como Consultante de La Liga de Negocios Verde y es del Perú.
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Green Business League is offering it highly-acclaimed Green consultant training in Tampa and Dallas. For those with a strong desire to change the face of their community, this is one of those rare opportunities to become the Green leadership in ...
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The Green Business League will be visiting the beautiful country of Peru to develop governmental and business partnership to program Green business practices. Central and South America is an important part of the international efforts of the Gre ...
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South Africa is a progressive nation that is ready to apply Green standards and bring Green to business.
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Simple ideas that save water, save costs, and fit into the basic steps needed for any Green company.
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The fact is that it will not be long until every Green business will have a sustainability officer.
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Businesses pay attention to spending trends, but customers also need to understand Green Certifications.
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Greg Seymour brings years of environmental experience to his native land. Green businesses will find a tremendous partner in Green certification efforts.
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We are passing through the Wild West of Green and will eventually emerge in a time when Green means something.
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