The report focus on the application and approval of foreign investment projects and business scope, which is the most complex procedure in the process of setting up a foreign investment enterprise. It provides not only a comprehensive and thorough knowledge of the latest Chinese laws and administrative regulations, but also the guidance of practical operation for application and approval of foreign investment projects and business scope for foreign companies and investors.
Chapter 2 will address the Chinese government authorities for examination and approval of foreign investment projects and business scope for foreign investment enterprise, and sketch an organizational chart of the government authorities for examination and approval for investment projects and business scope from the central government authorities, the government authorities of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government to local government authorities. The aim of this chapter is to give direction of gateway for application and approval of investment projects and business scope for foreign investment enterprise.
Chapter 3 will elaborate the entire process of setting up a foreign investment enterprise in China, because the application and approval of foreign investment projects and business scope is the most significant procedure in the process of setting up a foreign investment enterprise.
Chapter 4 will introduce the applicable Chinese laws, administrative regulations, including the departmental regulations and rules, for application and approval of foreign investment projects and business scope for foreign investment enterprise. With the help of these various laws, administrative regulations, including the departmental rules and regulation, audience can clearly acquire a comprehensive and thorough knowledge of the latest Chinese laws and administrative regulations for application and approval of foreign investment projects and business scope, and lay the foundation for practical operation for application and approval of foreign investment projects and business scope for foreign investment enterprise.
Chapter 5 will introduce the practical operation for application and approval of foreign investment projects to guide investors step by step to go through the approval of the Chinese government authorities smoothly.
Chapter 6 will introduce the practical operation for application and approval of business scope for foreign investment enterprise in manner for case by case to guide foreign investors step by step to go through the approval of the Chinese government authorities smoothly.
The guidebook concludes in Chapter 7 by highlighting the significant suggestions for foreign companies and investors looking to achieve a successful application and approval for foreign investment projects and business scope for their companies and enterprises in China.
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